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Looking for a partner i am using unity

A topic by Spectra2000 created Aug 12, 2020 Views: 315 Replies: 8
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Anyone who know how to use unity let's do it 

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi, i'm a programmer and i studied unity in my free time. Can we can teamup ?

ofcourse dude let's do it!

Yo id love to team up lol. im just now learning how to code but im good at level design, lore, and stuff like that. if you can teach me I bet I could code a bit of the game too lol

hell yeah man let's do it, i've been looking for a designer too

bet. you have a discord?

Deleted 3 years ago

Discord: williamjunior#6617

Hi, I am a beginner in unity, lets all teamup? discord - superCoding#9906

Me , even I use unity . I just completed my first game jam ( Brackeys Game Jam 2020.2 )