It is the golden age of piracy. The night has been long - or is it day already? - and you have been drinking heavily, sitting around one of the tables of the shady, dirty, and loud interior of your favorite watering hole, sharing tales from the high seas, each larger and more unlikely than the last. Tales of grandeur and ridicule. Tales of the Kraken, the wildest storms, and improbable feats. The sea is your one true love, be it as a pirate, a trader, a soldier, or a fisher. It is an unhealthy relationship of stiff winds, burned skin, and salty water, but you love her nonetheless.
In "Seemannsgarn" you take turns telling tall tales from the seas, your character claims to have experienced. You draw cards, which offer you prompts, weave a tale from those prompts and make a roll. Depending on the result of your roll the tale is true, exaggerated or completely made up. Other players may then decide which parts of the story are made up and tell the true story. During the game you draw symbols on a map that symbolize the tales you told.
Check it out here