Hi! My name is Rene, someone who is aspiring to make a career from voice over work! The theme of this jam is wonderfully unique and I can't wait to see what amazing projects are created as a result.
With roughly 5 (On and off since 2016) years of experience in Unreal Engine 4 and almost 8 years of experience as a GM in Tabletop Roleplaying Games (Such as D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire: The Masquerade, etc.) I'm excited to finally take a leap into something I am very passionate about in a more vocal way: Telling stories. Whether that be in the form of voicing a silly little character in a video game or narrating a script that details the amazing processes of nature's fruiting bodies.
I appreciate you all for taking the time to read through this. You can reach out to me on Discord (via call or message) if you have any questions through this username: Man O' War#9229 - or, alternatively, through my email: renebprofessional@gmail.com
Here is a rather simple sample I've put together quickly as well.