florsh: What are some game mechanics you like? I like fishing minigames...
cetaceas: I like romance....
florsh: We both like monster girls.........
And thus, Sewer Love was born -- several days before the theme announcement! My good friend florsh (Suzanne) and me (Diana) have wanted to make a game together for ages and MFGJ is the perfect opportunity for us. We're drawing inspiration from things like Stardew Valley, Persona, and Futurama to create a game where you live in the sewers and attempt to woo a monster girlfriend by fishing up gifts.
Suzanne is a talented illustrator and game artist, and she's already hard at work on sprites for our game. Here's our protagonist, a dad-core fishing enthusiast of indeterminate gender.
My background is in software engineering, and I'm having tons of fun (and some frustration) learning how to use Unity! So far things are going... okay... https://gyazo.com/505b2b839b27fac6fa2ed7e7073a5ca6
Stay tuned for more!
xoxo, florsh and cetaceas