Day... 3?:
Alright, so here I am... working on another Game Jam! I decided that, this time around, I'm still working with Gamemaker (more practice, wooh), but I'll be making a sort of... RPG-Puzzle-Style game. While I could definitely make this a lot easier in RPG-Maker, I wanted to try my hand at learning to program other mechanics into Gamemaker... so here I am.
I'm using some free-use Art Assets to get things going... and I may just keep them, rather than do my own programmer-art this time around. It would certainly save me time, especially since my job is taking up enough of that as is.
So, for my first (3?) days, I've worked on a basic collision engine, which I have enough experience with. I've also worked on the text-boxes for interacting with NPCs in the little HUB world I currently have going... the Pub!
The Goal/Plot of this game is to convert/tempt people away from their 'sin of choice' (be it Greed, Sloth or Wrath) to the best of the sins, Pride. You'll complete a puzzle to convert someone, and your goal is to convert as many as possible to your side... after all... you're the best, right?
I'll drop a GIF below, simple as it is. Hopefully I shall have more to show off tomorrow: