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baby's first game - Lettuce Farmer/i can't sleep

A topic by koyangi created Jul 11, 2020 Views: 115 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3
  • This is gonna be my first game ever!
  • I'm stuck between two ideas right now:
    • Lettuce Farmer - an aquaponics simulator where you grow lettuce and raise tilapia in an artificial ecosystem
      • I worked in an aquaponics project a couple years ago in high school and
        thought it would make a fun game! I can start very simple when it comes to game mechanics (ex. the most basic game would require that lettuce grows and must be harvested, and that tilapia grow and must be fed), so I thought it would be perfect for a first project.
    • i can't sleep - a horror(ish? I'm kind of a scaredy cat lmao) game in which you need to collect clues to figure out which "boyfriend" ringing your doorbell is the real one
      • this is probably too complicated for a very first game--but I'll work on the core first, since it basically functions the same for both games, and then see how I feel about it

Today I made a little concept art for Lettuce Farmer and watched the Intro to Game Dev stream. Tomorrow I'm going to work through the "Create Your First Unity Project" from the Unity website and get started on the "core" that SolaceEternal talked about. Both of my games will take place in a 3D environment in which the character walks around and interacts with objects, so I think this is a good place to start.

As much as I love bullet points, formatting this thing is driving me insane, so I'll leave it at that for today and update my progress tomorrow! :^)


Well, this IS your first game, start simple. every tutorial recommends a simple project. Go with your first idea. It sounds really simple, I think I saw Jonas Tyroller do something like that except you need to harvest as much as possible and its in 2D. Lettuce Farmer is perfect for you :D


they're both neat concepts but i think lettuce farmer has some easier systems to implement to start with! either way this sounds like a solid plan to start with and im wishing you the best of luck!