Hey all,
My name is Paul and I'm from the UK. This is my first ever Jam and I've been working in GMS2 for around 3 months now, basically doing all the big YouTubers tutorials and a couple of Udemy courses.
My day job for the last 15 or so years has been a PHP developer, so I have a good grounding on programming basic principles, but I've never really tried game development, even though its my dream job! At 44, I'm hoping its not too late to learn.
Anyways..... RGB - my idea for the Jam using the theme 'Change'
Trying to keep it simple, this will be a side scrolling SHMUP, though you can fly left or right on a 1280px wide level (may change!). The principle mechanic is that you can change the colour of your gun from Red Green and Blue and have to shoot the enemies with the correct color to match what they are.
Thats basically it, I think it may just be wave based high score chaser rather than over complicate it.
I've got a few extra ideas;
- Maybe have the 'gamma' limited for each colour and you have to pick up blobs from the floor to power back up
- You can land on the floor and walk around to attack ground enemies - bit like the old C64 game Retrograde, which this is kinda based on
- May have auto-firing due to having to use the arrow keys to move and then ASD to switch the 3 colours, maybe confusing with a fire button too (unless..... ASD are ALL fire buttons, one for each colour?...Hmm.... that could be cool)
- I'd like to have a boss that incorporates 3 sections (one for each colour) you have to remove before getting to its core?
- Game will be randomly generated - so terrain is already randomised and enemies will be too.
Hope you like that idea. I dont have too much to show off right now beyond a flying triangle that can shoot and change color.
Working full time and having a family, I dont get masses of time, but the plan is to finish the main mechanics over the weekend if possible, then spend 3-4 days next week doing the art and polishing.
I'll stick some more up later of what I've got - but I'm looking forward to interacting with you all!