Hello everyone!
I'm juicemin! I'm currently 19 and majoring in Computer Game Science. I'm a little late to the party, but I'm still very excited to join this game jam. I'm new to itch.io and a beginner at making games, so I hope to gain more experience from this event. It's very encouraging to see many other beginners doing this jam as well, and I can't wait to view everyone's games!
Game Synopsis
Kyaa! I'm Late for School! is a game made in RPGMaker about the MC being late for school. The player must guide the MC to school on time while encountering different obstacles (scenarios, puzzles, etc). This game targets several anime cliches that I hope aren't too cringey to you you will enjoy.
The main goals are to learn how to use RPGMaker and create a fully functioning game! If time permits, I'd also like to learn how to create my own characters/visuals by creating pixel art/digitizing my drawings.
I thought of this idea because I am disgustingly in love with anime/manga (jk but I rly do like it) so how fitting would it be if I made a game of the typical "Anime girl late to school holding toast in her mouth"?? I also didn't want to make anything too complex for my first game, as it'll definitely take me awhile to learn how to maneuver through RPGMaker. Therefore, this silly idea popped up. The details about the game are a little fuzzy (as the specific obstacles the player will encounter) but I hope to figure it out along the way.
To be updated...