Very cool concept! This can and should really be expanded. My only criticism is that he ai can sometimes be too easy, it piratically killed itself the first time I played it. Great game!
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Cutics's pageComments
This was very enjoyable and left me wanting more, which is the best thing one of these game jam games can do imo. One bug I noticed was that I couldnt close out of the credits screen. Not sure if anyone else had that issue but the X wouldnt work for me. I think there should be some sort of indicator that you're the blue team, because my eyes went straight to red and I was very confused for a couple minutes about why I couldnt move before I realized I was clicking the wrong units. Aside from that I think the text when you hover over tiles actually serves as a pretty solid tutorial. The graphics and SFX were also great. This is a very solid foundation to build on if you ask me. The one recommendation I have if you develop this further is not to expand the maps much bigger than this. The gameplay is pretty fun but it would be a little slow if the maps are bigger than 12x12 or so.
Wow, we really appreciate your feedback! These are indeed some points that we need to refine, it is good to know that we are on the right path of development. We still need to experiment on expanding the map and test some other color pallettes, it was really something that was on our mind during the jam!
I absolutely love the art style! Although a step-by-step tutorial wouldn't go amiss :)
What a great experience! I really enjoy games that demand critical thinking and strategy. The music and sfx were really spot on. Kuddos.
Really nice strategy game the art style is amazing. The only thing it would need to be perfect is more variation with the soundtrack it seems to be a short loop and a tutorial of sorts, where you get shown how to move tiles and end your turn. But yeah besides that amazing game and very well done.
Looks very well polished and has a great art style. It was confusing at first though, but I eventually got the idea. I'm not very good at tactical games like these but it was fun to play :)
Very good game. Visually very pleasing. The gameplay was confusing at first but it wasn't so hard after a couple of minutes. The only problem I have with this game is that there isn't that much variety with only one map, altho I believe that this is just a prototype. This is a very great start for a big project and I hope you will keep developing this game.
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