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A member registered Aug 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Cute bunny, cute pixel art, cute music - cute everything!

Incredibly cute, great choice of mechanics, a joy to play. If you’re considering turning this into a full release, I can guarantee at least one sale.

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Very cool, thanks for making this and sharing it! As someone who grew up with a Commodore 64 and ended up as a Construct hobby dev, I love this.

That said, I’d like to remind everyone that the underlying TTS synth is not open source. More info:

I enjoyed this a lot! Lovely writing, subtly educational (I learned about Chermoula), and it also made me write a shopping list - my spice rack needs an update. I gotta say my favourite playthrough was beef stew ;)

Congrats, Catherine! Can’t wait to play your next game (hopefully my mouse will be up for the task :).

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”

Thanks for the update, Daniel!

Thank you! :)

This is so cool, M! I can’t believe how many systems you already implemented, this must be a quite complex project.

Also: freaking multiplayer? Holy crap! :)

One note I have so far (if you’re looking for it) that using projectile weapons (eg. the rifle) would be a lot easier/intuitive if you could aim using the mouse instead of your movement. So the projectile weapon could just aim towards the mouse cursor all the time.

:D oh snap, my reading skills!

Smooth sailing on Android, nicely done folks!

I just played the updated version - it’s crazy! :) Full of juice, everything is flying (well, technically swimming) in my face, BOOMs and particles going off everywhere everywhere - excellent game feel across the board.

Purely a personal preference, but I would’ve appreciated if gold could be obtained by simply moving closer to the chest (with some “grab distance”), because I found myself struggling to get to chests while trying to fend off enemies and maintaining health while also trying to keep the cost of upgrades in mind - it’s a bit much to juggle for me.

I very much appreciated the difficulty selection though, the easy mode has Fodi written all over it - in hard mode I usually barely managed to complete the first wave :D (filthy casual here)

That’s great! I downloaded the new version, the restart/quit functions are a welcome addition. However I’m afraid I managed to somehow get stuck on that level after restarting it once: image.png

The ball doesn’t move anywhere (dragging the level still works for camera panning), no matter how many times I tried restarting with the button. The quit button still worked.

I’ll give the Android version a go soon too :)

Also I noticed that there’s a barely readable message on the game over screen that says “space to restart” or something, but seemingly Space does not restart the game. I guess this could be just removed because the restart button works fine on the game over screen.

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That is freaking awesome! Is it just a crapton of physics joints or are you using some sort of JS black magic for the bubble?

The art style & audio design is amazing too, tons of polish… congrats!

Amazing game! It took me a few tries to grasp the mechanics, but after that I was hooked.

I’d definitely pay a few bucks for a mobile version.

I saw Vimlark play this yesterday, had to check it out. It’s a very fun and soothing sandbox experience with top notch art and very good audio design too. Congrats, Linzi!


Thanks, Kris! Out of all jam games we’ve made in 2024, Shortfall is the one we’re seriously considering fleshing out and turning into a Steam release, so… hopefully it will happen this year :)

What a year and what an ending!

Congrats, Zoli.

A wonderful experience to play through.

Amazing writing, Jasmine!

Some Kingdom vibes, but totally chill. I found the game very enjoyable, I wish there was a way to save and exit. I did an almost 4-hour run and got to the penultimate upgrade. Wishlisted, HARD.

This is crazy good, MrZombie! Few hiccups, but nothing super annoying, tons of polish, excellent writing, top notch audio & visuals. Way too good for a 4-day game, but I believe you. x2nerd2Smirk

Holy crap. Amazing!

I absolutely love it. Intuitive, fun, beautiful, the lot!

Thank you for the comments & suggestions everyone, I appreciate y’all.

I’ve updated a game since the jam, addressed most issues and hopefully improved the gameplay too, if anyone wants to check it out :)

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Thanks for playing and for the constructive criticism too, it’s much appreciated. I agree that in the current build the biggest threat to the player is the RNG (eg. sometimes it’s hard to find Buildium) and not the enemies. I’ll try to balance things a bit in a post-jam update and possibly add more (challenging) levels. A bunch of tiny things (including visual feedback for enemies getting hit, health bars, etc) were left on the todo list by the jam’s deadline - that’s just how it goes usually :D

And yeah, this game very much puts in you in a position where you are “just doing your job”… for an a**hole exploitative corporation :)

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This is fantastic. More gamedevs need to see this game.

Thank you for the kind words and feedback, Myse - I completely agree on all points you raised and I’ll try my best to fix the issues in the next few days, possibly over the weekend, maaaybe on stream :)

I’m afraid was way to focused on survival to notice the character changes, but I did catch the “resolution bonus” :)

This is the funnies ragdoll physics game I’ve seen since Sumotori Dreams, excellent job. Great concept introduced nicely, awesome visuals (so much polish!), great audio - the lot.

At first I thought the time limits are a little short, but after playing a few rounds they weren’t the problem anymore - my failures mostly stemmed from the fact that mostly the right pose in a bad “origin”, so my character was way off position-wise from the target. Maybe this could be alleviated by adding some sort of shadow or outline that is projected from your character onto the wall - but then again, this might make things too easy… or not, the time allotment is still pretty steep :)

I had a whale of a time playing this, it’s definitely one of the best games from this jam in my opinion :)

Awesome idea, looks good, introduces mechanics gradually like a boss, level design is great - congratulations, this is an excellent entry.

However. :)

I had to give up after struggling with the level with the button on the high platform. Jumping over the metal barrier was quite a struggle (for some reason the metal is very “slippery” and seemingly pressing the jump button didn’t always register), but managing to get the ball (or an emergency crate) on the button is just way beyond my skill level (which is… not great, but not terrible either).

I hope you’ll update this game after the jam, because I think you’re definitely onto something here and I’m pretty sure a lot of Portal-lovin’ folks would definitely love to get stuck in this (figuratively) :)

A very fun game, has quite a few unexpected twists and funny writing - nicely done, Tamás!

I really liked [that surprising mecahnic which I don’t want to name so I don’t spoil it for others]! :)

This game looks amazing, loads quickly and runs excellently on my fairly potato-esque laptop with a 1050 Ti, but I just have no idea where to find the orders. Disclaimer: I might be an idiot :)

Am I missing something?

Using the machines is still satisfying and I still had fun with the “sandbox mode”, making different items. Congrats!

Woah, 121 kBytes… are you a sorcerer? D:

This is blowing my tiny little mind on a couple levels. It also raises some philosophical questions, like: which came first, the cube that morphed into a chicken or the egg?

Congratuwelldone! :)

An excellent take on the soko-ban genre with top notch level designs - starts fairly easy, but that last level is a doozy! :) It was very satisfying to finally figure out the solution for that one.

Thank you for adding unlimited undo support and thus eliminating the only source of player frustration :)

I would’ve loved some audio and some variety on the ground tiles (partially for visuals, partially for signifying tile boundaries), but this is a very solid entry nonetheless.


:D dude. That “only 3D” mode…

Anyway, this is a very nice take on a classic with some extra powerup features which work quite well I think. Collisions are a liiiitle funky at times; some extra “padding” for the paddles - no pun intended - might make things a little easier and less frustrating for the players (kinda like coyote time in platformers).

Congratulations on your first Unity game and keep ’em coming! :)

Love the mechanics, but I’m just awful at this :D my high score was 4 and that was struggle mixed with luck.

I’m sure people with actually working reflexes and acceptable hand-eye coordination skills will have a blast with this though :)


First of all: this is freaking hilarious.

Controls are intuitive (with just the right amount of brokenness: it’s quirky, but not frustrating), the level design is very neat too.

With some sound effects this would’ve been even more enjoyable (and possibly even funnier). Congrats, this was a fun entry to play!


Yyyyyeah, it’s not Construct’s fault, it’s mine :D I used a despicable but quick to implement method for item spawning, essentially covering the whole level with invisible “spawner tiles” at the start of the level. Every time I want to spawn an item I pick a random tile that is not overlapping other stuff (eg. trees, the vehicle, another item) within a certain distance from the player. I’m gonna go with another approach post-jam.

That’s a very neat concept and surprisingly engaging (surprising for me anyway, I’m an outsider to the genre) and fun(ny). I agree with the Nerds about the UI/UX points, but otherwise this is a very promising concept. I have a hunch a more fleshed out version could work well as a mobile game too.

Congrats on finishing the jam!

Thanks for trying the game, Samuele! And also for the suggestions, I’m going to try to fix those issues. I’m thinking about making the trailers longer, and maybe slowing down the truck and limiting its max speed while any of the vehicle is over the drop-off point, so it’s easier to time the drops… although a few fellow participants suggesting automatic drops… I’m gonna have to prototype both, I guess… :D

Extremely limited is my middle name! :D Joking aside, I’m sure you can figure it out - other people did before :)

I have no idea how Factorio does conveyor stuff, but I think just allowing straight lines (like in OpenTTD) would already improve the UX a lot, and in this case you don’t need pathfinding, continuous polling of the mouse position and stuff like this, just a start and and end tile and a “for” loop to cover the tiles between them with conveyors.

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This is tamagotchi gold. Super intuitive, yet I appreciate the included tutorial / help pages (and since the game doesn’t require constant attention, I didn’t mind properly reading it instead of skimming it like I usually do). The graphics are incredible; cute, cozy, polished - the lot. The music is very nice too, although it gets a little repetitive after a while, so I ended up muting it and putting on some nice lo-fi :)

I like that there’s a variety of options for the creativity stat, the patting mechanic is a nice touch (pun intended, sorry). To be honest, I thought that calling the character “Her” is a bit of an odd choice, but why not I guess :) although I’d love a rename feature, so players can maybe feel a little more attached to them (and you could show notifications like “[X] is feeling creative”, etc).

I had a lot of fun playing it and I honestly wouldn’t mind having something like that on the whole time while working. My only grudge was with the fact that if I close and reopen the game, it starts from the beginning instead of continuing where I left off. If you’re planning on adding persistence in a post-jam update, maybe a tiny timer wouldn’t go amiss either, so the player can track how long they’ve kept Her alive.

Thank you for the experience - it was lovely, and congratulations on submitting such a polished game!