Hey guys, I'm gonna join in on the bandwaggon by doing a devlog too!
I'm excited to be apart of this Game Jam and I'm looking forward too seeing everyone's work and such!
So let's get down to business.
So I had this idea for a game back in November when I played the game Loved by Alex Ociasbut never got around doing it (mostly because i'm trying to learn c# and im a bit lazy lol). With this GameJam, my main goal is to get that idea out and finally go make that game, have something functional by the end of the 2 weeks and to have something polished and presentable.
Main overview
So what's the game about? Simple. It's a 2D Platformer in which you must reach to your goal.
The twist is that you choose the difficulty of your next level by answering difficult moral dilemmas.
Morally right answers will be displayed on the left of the screen while morally wrong answers will be displayed on the right.
In order for players to play the game at an easy difficulty level, they must pick the answer to the right while picking the one to the left will make the game difficult.
Core Game Loop + Levels (?)
So here's a the game loop of how the game is going to be played (Sorry for the messy drawing/writing)
I also sketched up some levels, Will probably sketch out more levels. I essentially want the easy and hard stages to reflect one another, mostly because it'll be easier to edit (Im kinda lazy lol)
Here's the link to my Tumblr where ill update on my work