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[devlog] Serpentine

A topic by idley created Jan 07, 2016 Views: 911 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 10
Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hey everyone, I'm Idley and this is my first game, Serpentine!


Serpentine is about a dragon trying trying to live up to it's mother's reputation. Over the course of the game it comes to understand what that means as it tries to lift a curse its mother cast over a quiet village.

Some early character sketches:


Serpentine will be a 2d platformer. If all goes well the challenge will be figuring out how to time multiple in air jumps with some very light metroidvania-esque item collecting. There will be no enemies to attack directly. My biggest influence is nifflas (creator of Knytt/Saira)


Serpentine will be drawn with Photoshop and put together in Gamemaker. I don't know if I'll have time to make music on my own or even code in any sounds at all but we'll see! Everything is done by me (and youtube tutorials 6_9) My biggest challenge will be my own attention span as I'm currently under-employed and over-steambacklogged (good luck to everyone juggling actual responsibilities! you're superhuman)

[small preview/does anyone know how to make gifs of our games that aren't 17 gbs?!]


Submitted (1 edit)

I made a dev tumblr! :)


Wow, this looks adorable! I love the story concept and the art looks really neat, especially the backgrounds. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out!


Thank you! The backgrounds are kinda taking forever to do so I'm glad people like them :)


this has such a nice style! i'm not sure it's what you're going for but it gives me the vibe of those point and clicks from the late 90s with very illustrative and limited palette backgrounds? i don't know how to describe it exactly but i really dig it and your sprite!! very cute. i also really like the premise for your game!! i'm looking forward to this.


For the first level that's totally what I was going for, you got it :) The rest of the game will look more storybook-y but will still be fairly monotone (with different color schemes)


Oh wow someone's already submitted a game! Congrats!


Idle animation

Part of a level I just finished

I've been putting off coding so I'm posting a small plan for myself for Saturday:

  • figure out parallax
  • add dialogue, saving, help menu
  • fix jumping so platforming feels nicer
  • stitch the first part of the game (which will hopefully be done by then) together so I'll have a playable demo at least

Decided to move coding to tomorrow in favor of finishing all the backgrounds. With luck I'll have a small demo for testing by Monday!

Progress shot of the first area (not perfect but I have to focus on finishing the game):

and a lil placeholder animation I ended up spending too much time on:

Putting things together:


Last gif because I don't even know if this'll make it into the final game:


I figured out multi-jumps and finished all the main char's animations. I've really hit a wall, though-I can't move between rooms :/ I guess I have plenty of time but if something as simple as going to the next level is this hard then...

i love how this looks!!! the character is SO CUTE!!!!! the idle animations are wonderful!


Aw, thank you so much!

Submitted (1 edit)

A lo of work has gone into the game since I last reported! Long story short, I'm done other than a few tweaks and am on time for a release tomorrow. Its not what I wanted but I'm proud either way-look forward to it!!


Aaaand its done! and I'm so glad.

Thank you all for your support, I'm so happy to have been a part of this community!

Final thoughts coming when I feel less headachey