Good game, excellent art. All the images and scenarios with intense colors that draw you into the scene. The story is good and i'm sure it resonate with many of our situations, even if you're not into arts but programming, writing, etc. This game show us that a dream is a dream and you don't necessarily need to cling to it at all costs, but rather seek other alternatives that bring you happiness along life's journey. But most importantly, don't fall back into the dark holes that life will throw your way and overcome everything with all your might and strength. Or at least that's how i see it. in conclusion, this is a very good game. I would like to point out that English is not my first language, and i hope the overall meaning of my review is clear
The writing is great and I love how the different the routes are based on what you choose. The twist was genuinely surprising and really well executed. The art is also very cute and well made. My only note would be to emphasize the importance of the "Read me" text. I had skipped it initially and didn't know any of the controls. I would also add a note about the filter being the pink glasses. I found it out from a comment on the game page. It's definitely possible to figure out, but simply stating it would make it easier for the player. Overall, wonderful game. It captured my attention every second.