Gameplay: Interesting gameplay concept, and I wish the controls were some form of tighter or more asteroids like.
Creativity & Innovation: If the movement didn't seem to be in the direction of the mouse, and was more like traditional asteroids of the direction you are facing, I'd have said this has a lot of innovation.
Theme Adherence: Solid theme adherence. Connect the dot's, cept they are stars.
Playability & User Experience: Wonderful music choice, but the awkward and unintuitive movement paired with the finicky gravity/latch detection caused me to have less fun than I was primed for.
Art and Design: I love the cute doofy artstyle. Very 90's kids show and I'm here for it.
Overall Fun Factor: So while I can't say I had a lot of fun with this in it's current state due to the control issues, this HAS a solid fun factor. If it was asteroids based movement, and the stars and asteroids had gravitational influence over you, and you remove the health/damage. Bam, you really got something.
As an overall comment: Way to go getting a unique and apparent fun factor! That's really hard to do, so big props, and keep up the good work.
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