We're proud to announce that we’ve partnered with PlusMusic to bring you the best indie music for your submissions!
PlusMusic is an adaptive audio platform that gives developers access to a library of 350k+ songs from indie artists, has a built-in music editor and Unity/Unreal plug-in which adds the soundtrack directly to your game. You can get personalized & affordable music in just a few clicks.
What you're getting when you register with PlusMusic during NGJ III: 3 songs licenses for up to 6 months or 500 players use for free
3-months PlusMusic Pro trial subscription (10 collaborators, 10 projects, 25 testing songs)
Library of 300,000+ songs from indie artists & composers
Plugin for Unity/Unreal engines to add music directly to your game
Register for PlusMusic today: http://plusmusic.ai/
You will receive an offer code to redeem FREE music at the beginning jam
You can join their Discord for any questions or to give your feedback : https://discord.gg/tb4W9x4B6X