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3D games?

A topic by Tinchetsu created Sep 05, 2020 Views: 220 Replies: 3
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What about 3D games, can we use untextured 3D models? Or for 3D game we should use primitives as well, like cubes, cylinders and spheres?


Absolutely fine, you can import any 3D models as long as it doesn't have any textures on it since they don't count as images.

I have some questions...

  1. Does this mean that SVGs are okay since they're just shapes? I wouldn't consider them "images/textures/sprites" but they seems to fall into the category of "image data" ("Loopholes such as storing an image data and recreate them at runtime aren't allowed")
  2. What about fonts and emojis?

1) SVGs are Ok, same as every other draw methods that involve defining shapes

2) Fonts and Emojis are Ok too