It took a couple of tries to understand how to be successful at this game. Once I did, it was super cool. The concept of aiming a reticle at our target within a time limit is simple and well executed. Its audio cues are brutalist and communicate exactly what they need to.
Because our ears respond pretty well to higher pitches, I found the audio to be slightly oppressive at times. The sonar sample might benefit from being an octave lower overall. I’d personally reduce its volume slightly as it increases in pitch as well.
For folks who use screen readers it’s not possible to access the current level, final score, and the prompt to press enter to play again. According to your source code, that text is being painted directly onto the canvas. I’d recommend using markup and looking into aria-live regions for displaying things like that in the future.
Speaking of the source code, it’s great how much you accomplished with so few lines of code. For the simplicity of your sound design, I think you might be interested in learning about the Web Audio API and maybe using a library like Tone.js. You’d have more tools at your disposal than what Phaser provides. Specifically you’d be able to define oscillators and have more control over their volume, pitch, and positioning in space.
Thanks for your submission. Good work!
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