This is a wonderfully unique and enjoyable take on the No Video Jam. Using our webcams for a game that sees and responds to us is clever and a thoughtful control scheme. It took a few adjustments to the room and lighting to get the game to recognize me. Then for five hilarious minutes I waved my arms in front of it. Throughout our hosts are charming and the songs delightfully silly. And somehow I win every time!
It’s not without its issues. At times it felt like my sick moves were lagging or not doing anything at all. Moving at the beat didn’t always increment my score. I understand that detecting moving objects with a webcam is a difficult task, especially in unideal lighting conditions, but I hope some of these issues are resolved in the future.
Overall the current experience is self-contained and succinct. I’d love for this to be expanded with more songs. At its most advanced it could even provide a menu with options to calibrate our camera, skip the tutorial, and level select. Optionally we could even navigate those screens by dancing.
Thanks for your submission. Good work!
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