Made for NOKIA 3310 JAM 4 Powered by TIC-80 tiny computer 0.90.1723 Pro (with editors disabled) Code (LUA script, procedural) by Kyuchumimo Title screen, Nonograms by Alexx Dip CHANGELOG 231124 • The QR code for the instructions option ha...
The game goal is to destroy the enemy's castle. Controls: E and Q to select a unit in the store Space to buy a unit A and D to move the camera. UI: On the right, how much wood and stone is in the castle On the left, how much the selected un...
The train needs water and coal to function. If you run out of these things (indicated at the top of the screen) then it's game over. You can refill coal by putting down what you're holding (either the gun or the bucket), moving to the front...
Fight off waves of aliens before they destroy the space elevator you are riding in! Buy upgrades after each wave to increase your chances of survival! This game was made for the Nokia 3110 Jam and is styled after the limitations of an old N...
If sounds don't work please click in the game window, it's a weird browser thing. Submitted for the Nokia 3310 Jam 4. Survive waves of monsters while upgrading your ship! How long can you survive while your spaceship grows larger and larger...
It's the first game that we made with my girlfriend. So It's made with love in a very limited time. It's about two birds wanting to get together. Have fun while playing it.
LEFT/RIGHT Arrowkeys to move the paddle UP/DOWN Arrowkeys to move in the menu SPACE to select options, or launch the ball also, don't click or Alt tab while in a menu, it breaks the buttons THIS GAME IS 84x48 PIXELS, SO IT WILL BE VERY SMAL...
A very nice demake of Flappy Bird for the Nokia, the jump feels a little sluggish (I haven't played Flappy Bird in years, so maybe it was always this way), and you don't have much time to react to pipes, but a nice one nonetheless!
TED talks are boring, let's see TED run! Dodge whatever they throw at you using WASD or Arrow keys. Survive and run as long as possible in this infinite-runner Nokia phone themed minigame. Controls W Up A Left S Down D Right This game was m...
This game was made for #nokiajam Description Have you ever played Tower Defense games? Like you gotta build towers to stop some evil army from destroying your base? Well, now you will build the towers to help the evil (or good, since they'r...
In this Nokia Jam #4 tower defense game, you play as an all-mighty head wizard whose kingdom has been invaded by magical slimes who have has purged the land of sound & visuals! You must use your magical currency gained from the slimes to su...
<--- U.B.S.F ---> A short metroidvania-like platformer for Nokia Jam 4! Try and reach the exit while collecting upgrades and completing short platforming sections, you only have 3 lives though so beware! Credit for all sound and music from...
You are a cat. Your goal is to get out of the maze as fast as you can. Eating chicken pieces will boost your score and give you more time too. As time goes on you have less time, but more chicken appears. Controls: WASD, Space. This game wa...