I'm left a bit wanting with that cliffhanger ending, but once we got past that slow start things smoothly fell into place. That's where the language felt clumsiest to me, but I think as "sins" go, that's a minor one.
There's some nice art and I like the motif of the moth alongside the spider, although I wonder how the bird plays into that paradigm and why the visitor couldn't be moth(s?) instead. If its a fight between rival gods, I wonder if it could have been a bit more overt in the symbology (given bird doesn't seem to mesh into the same theming).
I think the abrupt endings where you capitulate make sense, but I kind of would have liked one liner endings instead methinks, to reinforce how those outcomes are wrong.
I think this is a great jam entry. Well done.
I personally liked this better than your May Wolf entry. I never realized toast was such a daring choice before. 😅 The album also sounds like it would be awesome!
Adjusted rating on a reread. Loved it the first time I read it of course, but there really isn't another vn like this that I can recall, and it deserves the overwhelming praise it gets.
Review in jam comments: https://itch.io/post/11650971
Review in jam comments: https://itch.io/post/11646322
Certainly an interesting read, amd great job modeling the jam sprites! I wish it was a bit longer, but great job nonetheless.