This game was really good, I liked how some of the scenes made me feel, even if I didn't like what was happening, especially in Charlie's route.
(Spoilers for Charlie's route)
At first I thought I would like Charlie because "haha, goats are cool and he's cool too I guess" and then I played his route and hated what happened. Not because of how it was handled, I actually think It was handled really well. The thing I didn't like was how I felt while watching his final scene. It made me uncomfortable while I read what was happening. "I swing and scream" felt very effective in showing how Jack felt and like I was feeling it too. Knowing what happened to Charlie too while I read it really helped sink it in. I won't talk about the other routes just in case I accidentally spoil too much, but they all made me feel something. I was sad with Edgar, content with Val, and thoughtful with Nomi. Not many games do that and it kind of reminds me of this is Night In The Woods, and I love that game.
100% reviewing this purely based on how i felt at the end, oops. i'm learning more and more everyday that queer people share so many of the same experiences and it's so cathartic.
After my first run, Val's, like I knew this game was well written. But fuck, I just finished Edgar's and it was the closest emotional response I've had to how I felt playing Echo. I may far prefer Echo, but for a game this short, and made so quickly, this is a phenomenal piece of art.