Most of all too brief to leave a lasting impression, really more of a single scene (with a prologue) than a complete story. The rapidness of it all disfavors the narrative in a lot of ways – how quickly and with how little tension everything develops doesn't allow it to capture the thrills of an illicit hookup, and the daddy issues psychologization remains a mere suggestion. Also, the mood whiplash from the flashback to the sex scene also comes off as quite strong with how little air there is between them while also failing to feel like a dissonance the text is deliberately pushing. Though the cartoony art is not bad to look at, it does contribute to the disorganized feeling of the piece and its tone.
Most of all too brief to leave a lasting impression, really more of a single scene (with a prologue) than a complete story. The rapidness of it all disfavors the narrative in a lot of ways – how quickly and with how little tension everything develops doesn't allow it to capture the thrills of an illicit hookup, and the daddy issues psychologization remains a mere suggestion. Also, the mood whiplash from the flashback to the sex scene also comes off as quite strong with how little air there is between them while also failing to feel like a dissonance the text is deliberately pushing. Though the cartoony art is not bad to look at, it does contribute to the disorganized feeling of the piece and its tone.