What did this game do well?
The game is simple in design. Kind of reminds me of some of the online reaction tests that I did. The art style and font are consistent throughout the game. I also appreciate the fact that the player data is persistent so my highest score is kept even after I exit the game page.
Conceptually, the goal is very easy to understand, and I like the bright colors. The ability to click the button multiple times as long as the shapes match was also a great addition, because it definitely makes the gameplay more addicting. I feel like the game does a great job of drawing people in, and keeping them hooked.
The shape match timing condition was just about right to ensure the player focuses on the game and gives a wonderful sense of acheivement on correctly matching the shape.
I love the idea where the player can click on the button multiple times when the two shapes match.
This game feature the Minimalism, and this game idea of shape-match is a good start.
As a player, this game is easy to get start and easy to learn.
This game's art follows the style of this game and I think it fits.
The replay could be ensure by just click the button.
It display my highest score, which is a good design that encourage players to retry it on.
I like the simplicity of the game. It really captures minimalism in spirit. The idea of a high score function is also smart to encourage players to get better and better scores each time. I think the health system has a good idea behind it as well, though I touch on the execution below.
What could this game have done better?
The controls are not intuitive. I had to read the game description to learn that the red circle is the button. The game could also benefit from more audio and visual feedbacks. Even though the game can feel satisfying when you're playing it right, I don't think the mechanism is interesting enough for you to want to come back and play it again.
The button in the middle very much looked like part of the shapes to be matched, which led to a lot of initial confusion. Therefore, the UI could be improved to make the actions more intuitive for the player. It would also be interesting if the intervals between shape changes varied a little bit more, because at the moment it feels quite fast-paced and it's hard to process that they're changing at different rates---perhaps they could start slower and gradually speed up as the game progresses.
I think there is some stuttering when the shapes change. This could be made to be a smooth transition. Also some music would have been nice.
First, I notice one thing that when a pair shows up, I can click the red-button multiple times before it move to the next pair, which means I can match more than one time by the same pair. I think a condition need to be add to the script in this.
Next, I think the highest score and the score could also be display to the end screen so that player could see what score they got there.
As the score went higher, I think it could be better if the pair can stay shorter period to increase the game difficulties. For now, it is easy to match up if player have time to sit there and play: I feel it does not have too much difficulties on it.
Last, I notice that when a new pair display, the top one always display first and then there is a small lag before the bottom pair show up, and that might be a problem when you try to speed up the refresh frequency later on.
The game is almost too simple. I think that the games depth can be increased in a few ways:
1) The health system is a good start, but more things should take away your health. Maybe if you miss a match you lose health?
2) The matching system should slowly increase in speed as your score increases to create a difficulty curve.
3) Another way to add difficulty is increase the number of shapes/columns that someone will have to match.
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