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Composer and SFX guy is looking for Team to join

A topic by Jonas Mor. created Sep 28, 2023 Views: 98 Replies: 3
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Hi there, I am Jonas M. and I compose/produce music for about 6 years now. I make Orchestral, Jazz or electronic music and I am from germany UTC+2. I participated in multiple game jams so far and also won once with a team. I want to join this game jam because I want to make story driven magical, gorgeus and emotional music. If you are interested and want to check out my portfolio please feel free to do so.

Hello! I'm putting together a team for this jam. Right now we have around four people with different roles, but I'm not sure if we have a music producer yet. If you're interested, you can reach out to me on Discord with the name "doofenschmalphys".


Hey, I listened to your portfolio and I’m interested in a collaboration. Have you found a team yet?

Otherwise you can check my recruitment post at


I found a composer!