I figured I'd share some interesting finds on single button UI that I came across, most notably the ACAT system developed by Intel that Stephen Hawking used and that many others currently use (https://01.org/acat/). It's open source which may be of some help on this project to more advanced devs. One thing that I thought was good to see was the approach to UI and selection, enabling a very complex set of functions (basically complete computer functionality) with just a single button. I can envision this type of UI selection scheme being fairly straightforward to setup in most game engines (Unity, Godot, etc).
I also found this guide for making games more accessible: https://accessible.games/includification/. Not as relevant to this particular jam since it doesn't have much detail on single button interfaces, but I figured I'd share that as well as a general accessibility resource.If any other devs have found good resources, research, or other links that would be helpful to others in this jam, please share. This is certainly a challenging project, but I'm really looking forward to it.