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Sheffield venue info Sticky

A topic by Zoyander Street created Sep 27, 2016 Views: 239 Replies: 1
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Want to come jam with people irl? Here are the details you need to know:

Venue: Union St co-working, 18-22 Union St., Sheffield S1 2JR

Date: 16th October

Time: 9am onwards.

Latecomers will be accommodated, but people who arrive on time will have more choice of who they work with and what kind of project they are involved in. If venue capacity is reached we might have to turn people away.


Do you need to borrow a computer? I can bring along some old recycled computers that are just strong enough to build something in Twine or Pico-8, or do some word processing for a tabletop game. But they are heavy, so I need advance notice! Let me know in this thread if you're coming to Union St and you need to borrow a computer.