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Some very basic questions

A topic by Chrane_Sylk created Sep 29, 2016 Views: 455 Replies: 3
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Sorry in advance if I'm asking some stupid questions.

Do we submit our games by submitting the page of it? Or in another form so all the entries can be bundled together and put in one place.

Also, are we allowed to monetize our games on their own later?


Monetizing elsewhere is fine, but ideally it would be super great if you could give us about six months where it's just available in the fundraiser. That's just a request though.

About submitting, what a good question! Just the page is fine, as that's all I need for the bundle as well. Here's's official info on submitting into a bundle:

When the jam enters the submission period people who want to enter the jam can navigate to the jam's page to find a submit button. This brings up a game submission dialog where you can choose from games you've created on to submit. If you haven't uploaded your game yet you'll be guided through the process.
Because jam submissions are just games, you get all the features that provides. Your files and screenshots are hosted, and you can design a custom game page. A nice side effect of submitting to a jam is that you automatically now have a nice page containing your game ready to be shared and distributed.

I think this info should be on the front pagw.


Done, thanks!