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URGENT!!!! Bundle is almost ready, just one thing left to do Sticky

A topic by Zoyander Street created Oct 31, 2016 Views: 183 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Hi everyone! The fundraising bundle is almost ready to go! You'll find it here:

I urgently need everybody to go to the bundle page and click the link on the far left of the lilac banner. This takes you to an overview of the bundle arrangements, with a big button at the bottom that you click in order to give your consent to participating in the bundle. Once everybody has consented, the bundle can launch and we can start fundraising for Action for Trans Health!


Done! Thanks for explaining that! How do we find out what the games were rated?


I think we don't get to see the results because there weren't many votes? Which is a bit of a bummer. But the page where the results should be shown is empty.


Does anyone know Alexandre Carneiro? They're the last person we're waiting on for approval and I can't find any social media profiles for them.