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(Not very good) programmer looking for a team (unity) - open to everyone(programmers, artists, ???)

A topic by Oscarf created Apr 03, 2020 Views: 470 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 6

So I am relatively experienced in the coding world but I am quite new to unity. I am not looking for a specific team mate, it could be another programmer, artist, whatever. 

I am not saying that this would be the greatest quality game but just adding extra fun to isolation :)

Never really had a team mate for a game jam but I like the sound of it,

Sorry for the short notice,


I'm an artist and programmer. Wanna team?

Submitted (1 edit)

sure, I am already in a team with an artist but we could use some help on the programming side???

But just saying, we're looking to build a fun but small game, nothing too major and in unity

Sounds good. Are you in a discord with them already?


yep, I am. I'm not the best with discord but are you on the jam discord?


what's your discord tag?


Boi George#8484


ok will add you now

Can I join your team? I know how to program in C#, and i'm good at pixel art, and I can also make music!


Hi, so I am currently in a team with an artist and another programmer and we would love for you to do our music. You in?

Submitted (1 edit)

 Hi, the end of the jam is nearing and we would really love some music. Are you in???


Submitted (1 edit)

cool, do you use discord. We're all in a chat. If you just send me your discord tag I can add you

here it is FaKtory#6549


cool. I sent you a friend request. Just accept and I'll add you to the group

Submitted (2 edits)

I do a bit of all, I'm just here to learn new things and improve what I already know.

So could I join your team ?