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How to submit a game to ParserComp without making it publicly available now.

A topic by kenped created May 03, 2021 Views: 339 Replies: 3
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Hi, hope some of you can help me.

I want to submit a game to ParserComp but the game should not be available to anyone before all the games are released simultaneously.  If I do that by mistake, I wouldn't like to be disqualified for making the game publicly available before the competition starts.

At the moment I have these settings:

* Visibility & Access: Set to Draft (only those who can edit the project can view the page)

* Release Status: Released

When I click on "Submit your project", I cannot select my new game, perhaps because it is still set to "draft"?

So I need some advice on how to add a game to the competition without making the game publicly available now.

Thanks :)


Under Release status, select In development, as you'll probably want to get beta testers and make further changes. You can change this to Released prior to submission.

Under Visibility & access, select Restricted, then additionally select Also allow a password to view page and enter a password. You can change this to Public prior to submission.

If you follow these steps, it will never be listed by and if someone happens to stumble upon your page, they can't run the game or do any downloads unless they know the password. You can give the password to your beta testers.

There's no hurry to submit your game until it's getting close to the deadline.


Hmm. As far as I can tell there is no way to publish a game directly to a jam page in a way that will keep it invisible (on the jam page AND the author's itch profile) until submissions close. We could submit them as "restricted", but then they wouldn't be playable from the jam page (when judging starts) either.

So I suppose we should be allowed to release our games in, say, the last 24 hours before the deadline? Adam? 


Sorry!  Somehow I missed this  :(  Hopefully the IntFiction conversation has resolved this.

