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And we are about to start!

A topic by Shalie created Jun 11, 2018 Views: 559 Replies: 14
Viewing posts 1 to 13
HostSubmitted (4 edits)

OH man, this week went by so much faster than I expected, my head is still spinning and just so happens that my life also got dumb busy!  WOOPS!  But, the jam must go on so I am here!

SO! I'm sure a lot of you are waiting for the details, so here they are!
...There isn't really any.  LOL!

  • Let us each focus on something that predates '95, a game that was a marvel back then, be it an old arcade classic or played on good old DOS!  But make it your own, that was the idea behind all of this after all!  Figure out how it works, get your engine in place and add in the quirks that makes it your version of the game unique.  Some twist that adds a new level of fun while not becoming shovel-ware.
  • And have fun!

To officially participate you must reply to this thread with the following information:

  • Your game of choice to tackle.
  • The twist you plan to add (if known.)
  • And if you are working in a team, the Team Leader must post and list the members working together (sub members need not reply.)

Groups and individuals that happen to choose the same game is perfectly fine, but let's not all decide to remake the same thing.
I still need to figure out how the ranking will work, but will focus on game play, graphic design, sound, and bonus points for emotional response cause we love things that make us laugh or cry!
(Oh, and the Team Leader will be responsible for submitting the finished game, be sure to mention all your participants and what they did!)

I think that's that.  are you guys ready?  Cause I'm sure not but here goes nothing!  JAM!

P.S. Oh hey!  Cause we broke the 12 participants stretch there will be a prize of sorts for the winning game which will be a epic big-box(digital) graphic design for your game by me!  And there is rumor that Fwiller may add something to the pot, but that is left unknown...

And I seriously need to stop editing this page but I forgot about the communications and such!  There is a discord, it's a dedicated room on my personal discord group for my art stream, but really I would prefer to keep talk here on the discussion groups.  If you need help cause some bit of code isn't working, feel free to ask.  Like wise art direction, if you cant get something to look right for your project, just shout out for help and some C&C.  Sound?  Lord help me, I'll need someone for that if I am to have any...



My entry this year will be "Race the Nags - Magical Addition!" X'D

Can we use sounds from the internet


So long as they are free to use files.  I guess the same can go for graphics, but being a graphics person I'd like to see what people do themselves, even if they go with a very simple and minimalist style.  BTW, no element is required, your game doesn't have to have sound at all, same with nice graphics, but playable is kinda important.



My game being based off space invaders will take the old defend against waves until you die to modern games like Star Citizen. Based off Independence Day, the film, it will be you stationed on a moon taking out alien ships with cannons. And defending yourself against alien missiles with machine gun.

(3 edits) (+1)

Our Game is based on Tanks N 1990. It will be `top-down Roguelike Tank game`. It will be a offline game. It will have two play modes. Offline player vs player, and offline vs bots. Most probably If I am able to make a random map generator, then you will have random maps generated and all have to do will be destroy bot tanks and defend yourselves against them.

Name of the project- Not yet decided 

Twist - Based on Tanks N 1990 and is will be a  3D topdown Roguelike tanks game. For making the game crazy. The enemy tanks will have infinite bullets and they are mad. They will keep shooting. And there will be some more fun, which you will know when the game is completed.

Note: There is a slight change in our team. Instead of Spenser, REX will participate with us.

Team- REX  and TheSomeoneXD

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The twist in mine is that I'm actually twisting a classic anime and instead injecting that into a classic game, Uridium 2. Not much of a twist admittedly, but I might have worked out a proper twist by then. Thought it would be fun though and take one classic and mash it with another classic.

I'm solo-ing the game outside of music and possibly SFX (could end up not being the case since he's busy a bit through this week), which will be by Mairu.


Nevermind, I got a proper twist now: gonna turn it into a bullet hell. Not much of a twist, but I reckon I can make it fun.

(1 edit) (+1)

I am going to be making Q*Bert. My twist is I am going to be making it in a 3D format. Instead of the game field begin a 2D board it is going to be 3D. The game field will be made out of 3D Hexagons to look like a pyramid. Q*Bert and the camera will rotate around the pyramid. I am going to be making it for iOS. 

Oh and I am a team of one.


Hi everyone! I'm a single dev team participating, and am making a game based off of Missile Command.  Wikipedia Article for reference.

I'm not quite sure of the twist, but my goal is to add narrative of some kind.  I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! 

Cheers.  -markl


  • Your game of choice to tackle.
  • "Adfreeventure" lil adventure clone
  • The twist you plan to add (if known.)
  • unknown at this time 
  • And if you are working in a team, the Team Leader must post and list the members working together (sub members need not reply.)
  • nope just me cheers

My game of choice is Brick Breaker, the twist is that it is also Missile Command, and I'm working solo!

  • Your game of choice to tackle.

Our game of choice to mimic is Contra. http://contra.wikia.com/wiki/Contra_(video_game)

  • The twist you plan to add (if known.)

Our main twist is that your character has a samurai sword, being a shotgun samurai and all.

  • And if you are working in a team, the Team Leader must post and list the members working together (sub members need not reply.)

We are working as a team, yes. OhClock is doing the pixel art using aseprite, and I'm doing the coding in C# using MonoGame. OhClock started on Wednesday, and I started mid day Tuesday,.


Hi all! I'm working solo on a game that looks like Breakout, but you're up against an AI paddle on the other side of the board. You collect power-ups from the blocks for your balls, and then shoot them at your opponent to score hits and win.