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WavyAphid90518 rated a picoCAD asset 2 years ago
BEN updated a picoCAD asset 2 years ago
aaa rated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
rDarkade rated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.

A very pretty picocad project <3

sayala updated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Updated page content.
1 new upload:
magicbus_fix.txt 26 kB
aMoniker updated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Updated page content.
1 new upload:
starship.txt 19 kB
Vised62 updated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
2 new uploads:
picoship1.txt 20 kB
picoship1_8.gif 87 kB
sayala published a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
with the Frizz? no way! made in picoCAD for the eighth jam (theme: vehicle) this bus has seen it all.
Munro published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game.
tsar tank- the big wheels of tanks. didn't get around texturing so pretty basic tbh.
syr0 published a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Submitted for PicoCAD Jam 8 : Vehicle Limitation - Grid snap only
ThatJon published a 3D model 3 years ago
A downloadable 3D model.
My entry for picoCAD Jam 8: The DeLorean from Back to the Future! The theme was vehicle, and honestly: I really wanted to push what I could do with texturing this time around. All in all: I feel really good about this model.
Apoidea published a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Made for the PicoCAD Vehicle Jam! Loosely based on the 1868 CP No. 60.
Jusiv published a model 3 years ago
A downloadable model.
This is a 3D model I created using picoCAD for picoCAD Jam 8 . The pixel art textures were drawn with Pyxel Edit. The jam theme was "vehicle" and the challenge was to create a model that completely conformed to picoCAD's snapping grid. Base...
Game_Smith published a project 3 years ago
A downloadable project.
Simple AT-AT model made for picoCAD Jam 8: Vehicle . This was my first project trying out picoCAD.
ClutchFumble published a project 3 years ago
A downloadable project.
Attempted recreation of the car from The Spy Who Loved Me for the picoCAD jam 8. First project using picoCAD.
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