I really enjoyed this one! It has a real old-school vibe, I feel it would be at home on an MS-DOS system.
Highscore: 7392.46 Normal Mode
Judge feedback is anonymous.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
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Summarise your game!
You're an ICBM sent by enemy forces and is heading towards a target land. You're not one of them, and have to do all in your power to deal the least damage to the environment, or at best, manage to disable the ICBM completely.
You got 2 normal movements. Deviate (turning) and Stay (keep going current direction). You only have 3 direction angles so you can't turn around. Then you have 5 abilities described in the GDD. Boost, skips 2 tiles. Dodge, moves similar to Knight in chess. Hack which has a chance to disable the ICBM, and a risk to crash it. EMP which disables nearby artillery and projectiles. Detonate which just emulates a direct hit from a projectile. Could be useful in certain situations.
All the controls are done using the mouse cursor. You can skip some menus like the difficulty and score screen with space, and go back with escape. But all other controls use mouse.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
So for "You Are The Weapon" I thought of it very literally. You're the object itself, the ICBM. But I feel most people would take that as you feeling good about it. I however take it into the direction of you being the weapon against your will, thus why you're meant to deal the least amount of damage.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
Not really. I'm in it to learn new tools. Using Raylib with C++ makes it very limiting in what I can do and I think I did good with what I had available. There's definitely areas that could improve, I struggle with sounds and art design, but I think I got something going that works.
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