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A member registered Jan 13, 2024

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(1 edit)

This game really has legs, no pun intended! It's got great feeling controls and that Meatboy-esque "try, fail, instant reset, repeat" gameplay loop that's really addictive. The tutorial is really well-made, and the general aesthetic of the game is fun and a little silly in the best possible way.

It seems like the skill ceiling could be really high, I think speedruns of this game could be wild. That being said, in my opinion the skill floor is pretty high too; meaning, I haven't been able to finish either level yet after about half an hour. I think I'll echo what some of the other commenters have said, the sanity meter is a little strict. My suggestion though is this: the current meter is correct for an experienced player; after all, I'm assuming you are able to beat the stages as they are now. I think stages would benefit from having multiple difficulties, where easy might give you way more sanity to start with, and as you get better you can play higher difficulties.

Overall, I'm definitely excited to see where this project goes since you're planning to continue it.

I really enjoyed this one! It has a real old-school vibe, I feel it would be at home on an MS-DOS system.

Highscore: 7392.46 Normal Mode

(1 edit)

I'm glad to see the legacy of the greatest MegaMan games ever made are still alive and well.

I really like the concept, and while the controls are a little finnicky for me, I think with some tuning they would be very natural. Specifically, the aim reticle moved very fast for me, while the mouse look mode moved extremely slow. This made it fairly difficult to control, but fixing it is just a matter of having control sliders for the sensitivity.

oki I made it to wave 3. I'll bump it up to a 馃崟/7

I decided to play the other pizza-based submission :)

I like the idea of having the three characters you switch between, and I would have liked to see a version where they have unique abilities or roles. At one point I think one of the characters did a two-hit  combo, but I haven't been able  to make that happen again. It's timing based maybe? I haven't found the timing or the trigger. I like that the other characters have some AI to try and help out when you're not controlling them, although it seems to only activate sometimes.

There's a few bugs I found:

  1. It's possible to continue attacking enemies with dead characters, even after a game over. This is because the E and Space actions still work for dead characters. (It tries to switch you back off dead characters I noticed, but if you're fast you can still hit stuff :p)
  2. The environment doesn't seem to be completely sanitized after a game over. I noticed sometimes the animation state on characters carries over, and one time the position of the beard guy carried over.

I played about 30 minutes so far, but I haven't beaten wave 2! I must be bad still, perhaps there's more to find later on. I'll try to reach wave 3.

Perfect game, 馃崟/7

It's a good mechanic, and I sure do love killing corndogs! If y'all work on this further, I'd like to see some enemies where you have to time your hit so there's a challenge to killing :).

Okay, I wasn't convinced at first, but this is really fun. It definitely has a steep learning curve at the start, but once I got used to the control scheme, and memorizing which colors go where, and executing both platforming and watching the oncoming rooms at once, I can feel that this could be a fairly addicting arcade game.

It feels like the opportunity to score pairs is fairly inconsistent, since as far as I can tell the placement of rooms is random. It becomes a bigger problem once the secondary colors are introduced, as well. Maybe mixing in a room type that can take any color / a room that could take one of two colors would help?

My longest game so far (level 3) ended when I walked out a door to nowhere by mistake, and instead of bouncing me back like usual I got wedged between the invisible barrier and the room until that room migrated upward, at which point I fell out of the world.

The combat feels really satisfying, especially when you get a good combo of bouncing off multiple enemies midair. I think the "arcade" in action arcade game is absolutely right, I think I want to play this with a joystick and a chunky button! I wasn't able to find the mage yet, but I'm still looking :3

Simple design, but still made me think! I had to plan for the future :). Wrangling the random abilities and killing enemies strategically to stretch my limited ammunition as far as possible was really satisfying and challenging. I managed to get a top score of 47.

Aesthetics, music, and sound design were great! The attacks feel really good, to the point where I didn't even want to find Thor!

The game has no balance, so I felt pretty much immortal with no challenge, like everyone is saying lifesteal is OP lol, but even without it I felt like I would only die if I stood still.

I feel like there's a conflict between wanting to stay to gain more levels and wanting to find Thor. In a longer version of the game, I think it would be good if Thor was the source of upgrades, or if you could only spend your XP after finding Thor between levels.


This is a great puzzle game! You have a good eye for puzzle design, the solutions were eminently discoverable.

A few of the puzzles are solvable with fewer bombs than the player is given, and I think it'd be a fun extra addition if the game acknowledged "more efficient" solutions with a little ribbon or something :).  Level 17 might be a little too broken though, I was able to complete it without using any barrels and only one bomb by pushing the fire pot onto the highest moving platform, and then lighting myself and running directly across into the skeleton's alcove.

Overall, the biggest issue in my opinion is just that the physics needs a little more tweaking and polish. A few times I bombed barrels to places I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to be able to go (ex. Level 13 it's possible to bomb the leftmost barrel all the way onto the platform with the rightmost fire, making the puzzle uncompletable). Also, sometimes pushable objects would fall through moving platforms, even if they were at a full stop.

I greatly enjoyed your demo, I'm looking forward to more levels! :)

I like the difficulty!

The game mechanic is simple but addicting, and the white slime breaks up the main loop nicely. More different slimes as the game progresses would make for a good way to expand the concept in a logical way, I think!

This is a really nice way to give the "Doodle God"/"Alchemy" style of game a more linear direction. Very cool!

This game has good bones! With more base cards and more interactions (maybe 2nd tier interactions?), this could go from a fun little game to a fun big game!

Fun and addicting casual strategy game, it's the kind of thing I'd want to have on my phone to come back to and play a bit whenever I had a minute.

This game has impeccable style! The board game itself is pretty fun as well, I want to play against my friends


The colors and music is very relaxing, I managed to get an 8 pink and an 8 green bumper together and that sounded beautiful :)

it's a pretty addicting little game, I got cqstw so far