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Augmantis's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- A stealth game is a very interesting variation of the "You Are The Weapon" theme for this jam. I approve! The main character is animated nicely for the small animations she does. Her movements feel like a mixture of a bit snappy and a bit slow: changing direction midair during wall jumps feels a bit too slow in comparison to how fast she moves and how fast she falls. Otherwise, the gameplay and movement feel pretty smooth (although I didn't realize Dash was omnidirectional at first, so it took a few tries to realize that I could dash UP). The tutorial pop-ups are VERY visible and might be a bit obtrusive to some. The level design feels pretty good with lots of options for getting around if you kill a guard too early. Adding the option to restart at the last checkpoint if you messed up and killed a guard too early might be better for difficulty. The lack of sounds or music is a bit detrimental to the feel of the game, but the time constraints make it understandable as a single person team. I like how your GDD has a lot of examples of the different player and enemy states, as well as having a lot of good descriptions of them. I'm curious to see what your future plans for this project are, and to see where it goes! Great start and base for a fun sidescrolling stealth game!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
Augmantis is an action stealth platformer about an escaped biology experiment. Kill enemies by dashing through them before they notice you and avoid deadly obstacles.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
You play as a biological weapon that went rogue. You are a human infused with insect DNA (more specifically mantis DNA). You remember nothing of your previous life, who you are, where you came from, you only remember faces, faces that made you a weapon.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
How does the movement and level design feel (not visually, but from a gameplay perspective)
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aw heck yeah! this is a diamond in the rough. your level design is quite good, and you have a nice spread of slightly more difficult jumps to easier jumps, and the enemies are well-programmed. there are obvious elements missing but i imagine that's just because of time restraints, so if you continue development on this i would love to see what you do with it.