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Incredible. What a fun experience. I especially love to LEG after exploding someone.

Just altogether a great game, I would just add that volume slider and probably change the rotate while torpedo to up and down keys rather than left and right, would make more sense to me at least ;3


I actually really love this. This has a very unique idea that I feel, given some good assets, will be a really simple but fun game! I did have to click once in the window to make it work, but after that it was responsive and easy to understand- well, once i pressed the same button again to actually activate my weapons. Then I felt a little stupid lol for not figuring out, but you might want to add that to your manual anyway. Honestly, really clean mechanics wise. Good job, and I'll try to give you a shout out so your game isn't ignored!

To play, you must click in the game window once, then the controls should work :3

Eheheh, the idea of this game is charming. I like your art style!

I feel like the balancing needs the most work- max level speed felt like it barely upgraded the brick, and im not sure if breath upgrading did anything. I also just couldn't escape the detector even at max speed, which is a bit of a downer.

I'm sure you know about the ui issues, so I'll say something you might not have received as critique- the diagonal movement is actually faster than the horizontal/vertical movement. This is a common mistake in 2d topdown games and there's a really great yt video about the problem and how to fix it, let's see if itch allows me to link it- 

oh lORDE it pasted the whole thing. welp, enjoy LOL

pirate jam mods plz dont hurt me

This is a BLAST. I suck at the game but I just absolutely adore the vibes. Your sound effects matching the visual style just really adds to the aesthetic punch to the game! I felt like a kid playing at an arcade again. Your guitar music is awesome as well, gives it an open echo kinda tone and that matches your map design! well, i only managed to play the first level, if there are more i am unaware... until i play some more because i gotta beat this!

My critique is that I had difficulty aligning my shots, since they came from the left and stayed aligned to the left, I had to change the way I moved and shot to actually hit anything. I actually do like how fast the doggos are, without them being fast there wouldn't be enough difficulty and the necessity to dodge and strafe.

Overall, awesome. Vibes spectacular.

yooooo this is incredible! I'm definitely going to spend some more time playing this tomorrow, this is such a fun puzzle game. The music hits that perfect spot of fun and interesting and matches the game, while not being distracting and helps you get in the zone. The graphics are great and the puzzles are engaging. 

My two cents are thus: using the click scroll wheel and drag to move also causes my browser's scroll around page thingy to trigger, which drags around the entire page as well. maybe press a different button to toggle drag/move mode? Actually now that i think about it, your game was the only one i've played so far that that triggered on- i think the issue might actually be that the window is not capturing and locking the mouse. hmmm.

Just love all of it overall. superb. top ten contender from my pov :clap:

Slugdoug slugdoug slugdoug COUGH

Oh you are completely right, this slug is trouble! Also I have finally found this glitch- thank you for pointing it out as well, that helped me narrow it down- and it will be defeated in HOPEFULLY the next update! I'm condensing and streamlining my code on top of adding new mechanics and assets and menus and options and. Yeah there is much development happening for our Sluggy boi!

Thank you so muchly for playing, and thank you for the kind words as well they are so encouraging <3!!!

Aww thank you! the tposes are endearing but alas they will be replaced. However.... they will live on in the death animations ;P I will be changing my balancing quite a bit, and trying to make the explosive enemies not do all of doug's work for him eheheh! You are correct, the black ones (internally called generals) have higher health, I didn't have enough time to implement more for them besides that though. Thank you again so much for playing!

thank you! I actually spent approx 2 hours before i submitted just troubleshooting the enemies animations and models alone- i even duplicated my slug actor and imported every blueprint into that one and fixed all the errors that causes just to be sure it wasn't a settings difference! It wasn't XD. didn't want to get too close to the deadline so here we are lol.

Ill add that to my notes- I had a different idea in mind, but I'm on the fence about it so of my idea doesn't pan out I'll try implementing their ai aattacking doug-in-the-enemy! I will definitely be altering the bullet gravity  (actually, debug it... those bullets have gravity set to 0 already. It might be an engine bug tbh).

Thank you again! 😊

Omg this is hilarious. I love it. Oozing with charm. This is absolutely cursed in the best way. The only addition I would make would be to make the birds change colour (maybe blue) if they continue flying upwards when hit, I psyched myself out so much trying to "shoot" birds I already had gotten.

ahaha the typos will really get ya. Oh but to clarify, my ship was right on top of them on the island- i was just drawing circles by clicking and dragging repeatedly even with all duded deployed, i had to slightly nudge my ship to get the drag box to pick up instead of the circle. cheers!

I really liked it! I was hoping there would be a different ending based on [REDACTED], but alas, I couldn't figure out if there was a way to trigger one. A story-based game was a nice change of pace and the music and limited color pallete really set the tone very well. Nice pacing, my only real critique would be that our last friend was walking really slow in the last scene and that reduces the effect of the urgency of that scene. Otherwise, was a good contemplative game! Very nice work yall.

I really like it, for some reason my playing of it had some severe lag spikes, mostly around the particles. I think it was happening mostly on their first load, because afterwards my game became smoother. It took me a little bit to realize that the lil man's running direction was what decided the sword's direction, not where the mouse was pointing around him. I think maybe having the mouse decide where the sword goes might be an idea for making control more intuitive, but that may be preference. Another things i noticed is it was really hard to get him lined up perfectly, maybe a little bit of homing to the sword (maybe 5-10 degrees?) would really help with gameplay. I got the lifesteal buff, which didn't seem to really proc- did I forget to read and it was only when the enemies were killed?

Anyways, overall I think this is really solid! I like the speed of the enemies on approach, and the stamina stun> slow run is perfect.

I think you are absolutely correct, I will balance out the damage so that things feel better pace-wise. Thank you for the critique! <3

I played it again for like 30 minutes lmao, the extra instructions were exactly what I needed to start to figure out how to play! I still got stuck but that's because I have tired brain lol. I would also make it clear that the turn card can overlap, I was mighty confused when death was playing a queen card that was more powerful than my numbers! :3c Also the music continues to be a highlight. I... may have kept this game on just to listen to the music in the background. It makes me warm inside. <3 Jiri is so heckin cute omg

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. They'll be even more distinct in future updates, although I'm going to be moving them away from motorcyclist-armyman aesthetic to the more modern military cultist i wanted to go more towards, but they would keep their distinct colours. I had to degrade the particles to work with html too, so that will be improved :3

I really like your rts style controls and the enemy ai is pretty solid! My main crits are that the hints are at the right, not the left, hehe, and that the place buddy/pickup buddy switch doesn't seem to be intuitive to switch. i have to move my ship first to reliably switch to box pickup mode.

I really like the game so far! My main issue is that I couldn't keep up with the spawn rate of the enemies pretty quickly- the cooldown without exploiting the fast switch was too slow, though i imagine with more play a person's skill would increase! very good overall though.

ohh i like the assassination-geared level idea, I'll add that to my notes! Yes I have plans for ol'Doug so development will continue! Also ooo I haven't encountered that bug before so I'll also add that. Thank you so much for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

i feel you so much with the programmer's art 😭😂 oh yeah since the music was added at the end, no wonder you didn't have any time, very valid!

thank you! And thank you for the crit, i'll add the sensitivity setting to my dev notes, very valid and i didn't even think of it. You are right about the bullet drop off being too much, that's 100% going to be something i change. also increasing the speed.

thank you! And i will be updating as time continues on, though it might go executable at the point where html5 fails to handle 3d.

yooooo this is RAD. I love the mechanic design, going from the regular swish to the possession mode. This is just fun. The ramping up music is nice and not too distracting, and the knock back on the enemies if you don't accurately get them is a nice touch. would play if dev continues :thumbsup:

aw heck yeah! this is a diamond in the rough. your level design is quite good, and you have a nice spread of slightly more difficult jumps to easier jumps, and the enemies are well-programmed. there are obvious elements missing but i imagine that's just because of time restraints, so if you continue development on this i would love to see what you do with it.

ahahah, i love it. I remember seeing all the variants of the background and leaves, and I'm glad this one was picked- the purple with the oranges and browns is a stellar combo. The animations add so much charm.

Ooo a local two player! good, simple controls. I really like how the physics works out, it seems pretty dang solid mechanically too. I could only test it with both hands but with some extra pizzazz on a level and maybe idle and rolling animations (or sumo stomp / shiko animations!) this could be really really good. I like the sumo, they have endearing designs, and the music is weird/funky which complements the game well.

Make sure you reduce the volume of your music! it is VERY loud. It fits the vibe really well but needs work to sound good. As for the game, the spawn waves overlap as well as the buttons, causing accidental clicks and sometimes the inability to actually make a potion to throw in time.

Ooo, very science. Much HE-3.  Cough. I like your ambition, but honestly the biggest detractor was the game scale- the super widescreen made it impossible for me to view the whole game at once. (i say this like a hypocrite, i had the same issue of window size in mine) Was it normal to not be able to change any of the tabs in the tutorial mission? Or was that the point? Given enough time, you could definitely make a nice niche game with this!

Gosh I just adore the artstyle of this, the music is fantastic, the little intro is so cute, and death and the spice the cultural design gives to this game is great. That said, I have absolutely no idea how to play truco, and the instructions weren't really helpful for me to figure out just how to play T3T; i didn't beat the first level. But that may not be the instructions fault, i may just be super dense lol

Holy loud music batman! Besides that, I feel like if you put some effort in making the interactibility with the world higher it would keep people's attention more. just clicking for stats isn't really compelling. that said, with better graphics and some better balance (point levels aren't high enough for upgrades, i had over 260 points when i beat the game) you have a game here.

I just love the art style. The subtle footstepping is such a nice touch, it's gentle and not overbearing, but adds to the atmosphere, which helped elevate the entire game's sound. I do believe having an ambient track would fit best, sound wise. The artstyle is soooo good.

I like it! The jumping/movement seems pretty solid, but level damage placement (like the pistons) could be better placed in ways that you can avoid them with good timing. Right now, my timing has to be exact to get through them, so a slower cycle might be better too. There's phantom damage that's happening, so I think that's coming from both the flying little dudes and damage queuing after enemy deaths.  I like the ground-based enemies that go agro and fly to get you the most.

I love it! My main critique is that I had no idea what the controls were until i randomly pressed escape. I love the cohesive style and procedurally generated rooms.

i love dis. :3 i posted my crits on discord already but anotha one: that last death tune can use more emphasis.