Judge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Your dialogue system should include an option for auto and manual advance.
- Excellent tutorial! You also display onscreen hint text for every action.
- A prompt warning that you're about to pass with AP left over would be good, and a toggle in the settings if a player doesn't need it.
- Having the move overlay active when you select a character would be ideal. After setting up reactions, the rest of the game is positioning.
- Shove occasionally doesn't work for reasons I'm not quite sure of.
- Your dialogue text has very inconsistent wrapping.
- It's difficult to click behind tall sprites. I'd recommend a toggle that activates a tactical view (see Civilization 5/6) that's just top down to allow players to execute tricky targeting.
Theme Implementation
- Playing as People with Weapons has been a common implementation of the theme. Obscurus takes it up a notch though!
- I would recommend putting button prompts in your opening sequence so that the player can participate in it, especially since a lot of the dialogue seemed to be in the vein of "Look around" and "Try a thing". Even if its not branching choices or just a single prompt, it goes a long way in helping players get invested.
- I LOVE Unicorn Overlord. The inspiration is quite clear but you've also taken it in your own direction by turning the game into a grid-based game. This almost reminds me of Baldur's Gate 3 more, as if you were carefully positioning your characters to take advantage of opportunity attacks.
- I assumed for a while that obstacles blocked line of vision, but that wasn't the case. I'd recommend showing some information about obstacles on screen such as "Blocks movement, but not sight" when selecting them.
- I'm sure you've got a lot cooking but I see in your GDD that certain actions cause Obscurus to increase and I can't help but think of Darkest Dungeon's stress mechanic. Maybe give enemies some more actions in their arsenal than walk and smack, some of them being increasing your characters' obscurus against their will for instance.
Artistic Style
- The music is sick, the dialogue is fully voiced, the art is quite impressive considering the time frame. You've got a unified Dark Blue/Deep Red artistic theme, the UI is like paper scrawl, and you've given a lot of things sound effects.
- Great writing! Very exciting stuff, I'm eager to read more!
This game is right up my alley! I have a couple of references to recommend. For playability, I recommend you play through any game from the Fire Emblem series (even if you have already) and pay close attention to the UI/UX of both the dialogue and the grid-based combat to see how they streamline the experience. For narrative and art, I'd cautiously recommend Library of Ruina as a reference (because it's a UX nightmare) but it's got a similar vibe. Impeccable vibes, intelligent writing, with some more polish work and time you'll have a banger game to release into the wild! Congratulations and thank you for participating!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on itch.io so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
Uhtcearu [ucht-kay-aru, with the 'ch' as in the Scottish ‘loch'] is a story-driven turn-based RPG. The player sets up their movement and reactions which then all play out simultaneously with the enemies. Control two characters and help them solve the mystery of Y.O.U. and escape.
Mechanically it's a tactics game where all the damage comes from the reactions you set up. The active actions are only there to move and do some supplementary things like reload or buff. After each action phase that runs simultaneously a reaction phase happens, where the reactions are executed.
Controls are purely mouse, there are some undocumented hotkeys like "space" for resolution. You can skip the story by clicking through it.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
We decided to interpret the theme “You are the Weapon” in 2 ways:
1. Narratively the game is set in a research facility aimed at enabling soldiers to use power within them even if it comes at a cost.
2. Gameplay-wise the players have to pick which abilities will the characters use - ones that are less powerful but safe or ones that are more powerful but come with some risks/costs attached and will change the story outcome.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
We focused primarily on the concept of simultaneous turn based tactics. That, and the artwork!
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