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You’re welcome. I’m probably not the target audience, so the perspective might not be what you would want. I’ve never played Jump King or Getting Over It, etc because I would get too frustrated. Maybe have a way for the player to drop a tomato to make a zone easier rather than them having to die from falling on it. You could keep track of the number of player dropped zones instead of limiting them, so then any frustrated player could simply drop zones at each spot but the scoreboard would tell them.
Fun game and nice twist on concept. I like that death shows the path to success, first time seeing it done this way. I think some of the timings could be tweaked a little bit more in the favor of the player. Wish the quantity of splatters was just a bit more because I died multiple times in a row and it started getting rid of my old splatters and made it a coin flip if I was going to get through or not. I was very glad of the checkpoint system.
Love the jokes. Game balance was pretty good. I beat normal mode, which have simple inputs, thankfully, haha. I’ve played Helldivers, so I’m a little used to the inputs while dodging. There’s no way to “lose” a stage, so if you can’t beat a Night, the only way to go back to the main screen is to refresh the page.
Cool RPG.
Sprite work looks great. I think you might want to look into lower the file size by batching textures, lowering some a bit, etc.
Battling feels like it needs tweaking. Encounter rate is a bit high. I'm not big into reading a lot, especially when I'm trying to play many many games in a short amount of time, so I skipped over the second NPC dialogue about combat. It doesn't feel great to lose Tech/MP/Skill Points when getting hit. Especially if not going first looses you your all your points. I like that Defending gets you points but if that's the only incentive to defend, then gameplay will feel old quick because it'll just be defend / kill / defend / kill etc. Maybe additional characters would help this so there'd be multiple targets and less chance to lose Tech Points. Or let defend generate points on top of getting it from getting attacked while defending. Also, the Noms did a large amount of damage, so if there were two, I'd run because I doubted I could win. Normal random battles shouldn't be so tough.
Need to pause ATB when other turn/action is being taken. The player bar would fill and then not start the player turn until the Enemy bar filled, which begs the question of why not simply use Turned Based instead. I'd suggest adding button controls instead of having the mouse used sometimes but mostly not unless you want to allow both.
I beat the Boss but it went blank right after, not sure if there was anything after that.
Fast pace racing game. Controls are a bit tough because the player is so fast and you can't rotate unless you are moving. I'd suggest lowering the max speed by maybe 25% or so and allowing the player to turn while stationary. I liked everything else. Oh, the music stopped suddenly after 2~3 minutes in the first stage, might want to check if you can loop it or not.
This is a really fun mech shooter. Models are a little simple but neat. Controls were pretty good though I might suggest letting Q/E be buttons instead of 1/R but that's personal preference. Or to allow mouse wheel up/down and click. Shooting was fun and responsive. I like the way the aim moves the camera though I'd like that ring to be just a bit larger. Do you think you could have that be a player controlled variable so that anyone could tweak to there preference? Maybe mouse wheel up/down could increase/decrease it's size. Was able to clear 9 waves but I cheesed it by hiding in a corner. Would like to see patrolling added. Maybe let enemies move especially after being shot once by the player.
Interesting RPG but pretty tough. I'd think about toning down the enemy speed and/or damage. The Captain seemed underpowered. The 2nd from left was a bit stronger. The 2 on the right were the strongest, magic to hit all with good damage and a high single target damage dealer. I don't think normal random encounters should be so life threatening. I had characters die during a number of encounters. I was able to beat the game and didn't Game Over. I liked the music and sprites for everything. Just think the difficulty could be toned down.
Interesting Armored Core style game. Was fun. Would like to see more weapons and enemies variety. The big bois tended to self delete from their own missiles damaging them, don't think they should have friendly fire on or at least at a much reduced rate. Using the missiles were pretty clunky, having to hold Q/E to lock-on and then release to fire, might just want to change to auto lock-on and then the player can easily fire when ready. Else the movement and firing missiles is very tough and awkward. Not sure if your scaling is different than mine, but the text was pretty small, hard to read font and buttons were in the corners with off hitboxes. I had to hold my mouse under the button to push the button. Might want to look into keeping momentum for if a player is dashing and jump and stops dashing not to bring their speed directly back to non-dashing speed, maybe slowly decrease it or wait til they hit the ground or something.
Tough little FPS game. While turning with Q/E reminds me of the old Armored Core, I don't think it should be in a faster pace FPS. It's too tough to move and rotate at the same time. If the mouse could be on the edge of the screen and rotate the player a bit, that would help. Need little start of a game. Think the area needs to be a bit larger, especially if you're spawning enemies so close to the player. Could use some sound effects and music.
Thank you, glad you liked it. I could only make it to the 3rd wave in endless before getting overwhelmed. The numbers ramped up much more than I was expecting, hahaha. Just a note, you gotta hit "P" before the Final Wave ends, else it'll load the Game Win screen. There will be a monster noise when you hit "P" and it can be toggled off if you hit it multiple times.
I'll have to look into how to test for different resolutions. The Canvas which holds all the UI is fitted to the player camera. So if the resolution changes, it changes and the pieces inside that Canvas shift as well. I was having problems the last day getting the scaling done right and it was acting weird. Even in my browser, it cuts off the top and bottom little section of the UI picture but all the gameplay elements are fine. Thanks for the attached screenshot.
Adding a skip button should be pretty easy, I'll jot that down.
Neat little game. Player is a bit too floaty in my opinion. Sometimes running into a wall would make the camera janky and the wheel body might turn and I had no clue where I was pointing. Would love for some sound effects to be added and music. Crosshair seems a little high to too large. I'm on a 4k screen if that matters. The shots were at the bottom of the crosshair.
Cool little bullet hell game. Neat how the playable area shrank during the battle. I was able to beat the boss. Didn't feel the need to use the dodge. Wish there was an ability or two the player could use like a shield or bomb that would also get rid of enemy projectiles. Cursor was very difficult to see if it was on top of the boss, might want to highlight it with another contrasting color. The the player mech could be made just a tad bit smaller and the guns pointed at an inward angle or directly at the mouse. If the player was a bit smaller, dodging the continuous circular shots from the boss would be a bit easier because the mech is so wide compared to the gaps you can fit if you are still shooting at the same time and don't rotate away. Would love some Sound Effects added too.
Interesting and nice looking prototype. Might want to look into changing LOD (level of detail) for objects, the WebGL does work but it takes awhile to load everything in. While loading, trying to rotate the camera towards the main side of the map freezes it and jumps real bad. I could've used it in my project too but I didn't have enough time to learn all about it. I had to decrease my texture detail by a lot to fit my project into a WebGL. I suggest changing the job to a sprint and about doubling the speed, for that much traversal, your character is really slow. I'm glad that shift is a toggle command and not a held command. Mech design is pretty cool.
Fun Armored Core Missing Link. Was fun to float around and fire a ton of bullets from a minigun. Gun worked pretty well and was able to see the bullets very well. Might want to increase gravity a bit, while I did enjoy floating around, trying to get back to the ground took awhile. Would love to see additional weapons and enemies. I accidently found out I was supposed to trigger the tower orbs because I had to investigate and wonder if I could go up the towers. Some players might not have realized that and stopped early. Nice job on your first jam, looking forward to seeing more.
This is pretty cool and not too tough. I really enjoyed firing tons of rockets. Shooting missiles were pretty fun, though it took me a little bit to realize that they ran out and I had to let them restock before shooting more. I'd suggest going all out on the paper style and replacing the walls/floors with paper textures as well. Only real gripe if you might want to add one block height terrain to prevent the player from falling. Also might want to tone down the volume on the footsteps.
I appreciate the kind words. Glad you enjoyed the game and the Mech.
What screen resolution did you use? I'll have to look into screen resizing. My canvases are supposed to fit the screen but I know I was having a tough time getting the Start and End Screens to fit properly towards the end.
I do feel the bugs are a little far but not too too far, I can bring the player base a bit closer but I do like the player watching the bugs come at them from the distance.
Haha, the walls were rushed. I was setting them up at the final days and had a tough time finding something I really liked... so they are very scaled up rocks. And I didn't limit the player camera either.
Guess I didn't explain how to get into Endless Mode properly. You have to click the button before the game ends, then instead of ending, it'll continue waves. T'was another last minute add and scales wayyyyyyyy too fast.
Awesome start to a cool game. I feel I had more fun in the test level wall running and feeling like a Tachicoma from Ghost in the Shell. Needs a little tweaking here and there. You're walking speed feels a bit slow, especially compared to the wall running speed which feels twice the speed of the walk. I tended to jump, dash, jump to move around the map. That would produce a lot of momentum and move me quickly through the map. I felt that was more fun than simply walking around. I'd suggest swapping the charge cannon to Right Click and maybe letting it be toggle instead of hold. Holding Q while trying to move is super difficult and you pretty much can't go left while holding Q. Feel like the player damage numbers need a bit of tweaking, the charge cannon felt under powered but the only long range alternative. The enemy cannon shield enemies could shoot theirs faster. Might want to add a damage marker to the player and have it flash blue for shields and red for health to easily signal which is taking the damage. Would love to see additional weapons added, more enemies and stages. Models looked pretty cool. Might want to consider lowering the volume on the walk or toning it's pitch down a bit, for a sound that'll be heard all the time, it was bothering my ears just a little bit. Oh and don't know if you mark specific walls with a tag to allow wall running on by that also triggers on your bounding box. So I was able to wall run on thin air, hahaha.
Fun sidescroller game. I enjoyed taking control of enemy mechs. Might be nice to allow player to take over another while piloting one so players can jump from one mech to another. I'd suggest lowering the HP of the boxes, sometimes it takes the mechs too long to get through them but the mouse can do it faster. Was pretty tough and I couldn't beat it.