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A member registered Feb 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Looking for any skill level modeler for a Suits style Tower Defense.

Ahhhh, I didn't notice that. I started to skip the enemies because I didn't think there was a need. I do understand the wish not to explain every little thing and I purposely didn't state everything in my game. I wish I had noticed that on my own. I was thinking of implementing a small "+X Time " popup but didn't get around to it, something like that when killing an enemy might be great for you and then you wouldn't have to explain it.

Glad you had fun playing the game. :D I tried to make the gameplay enjoyable. I would've liked to have more time to add more mechanics but had to keep it simple for the time crunch. 

Thank you. Collecting the Purple Gems is to beat the game, the orange ones are for increasing your Score. :D

Glad you enjoyed the game :)

Glad you enjoyed the game. I tweaked the jumping variables a bit but they were never perfect for what I wanted. So sometimes you super jump and sometimes you don't, haha. 

Glad you enjoyed the game. Yeah, some of the colliders need to be scaled a bit differently. The checkGround method can mess up on angled surfaces and not reset the double jump counter, which I was trying to fix. I tweaked the numbers on that because the player would bounce a bit off the floor and cause the checkGround to be weird. 

Oh wow, I didn't notice that I didn't reset variables when restarting the game, that's funny. Glad you had some fun attempting high scores. I would like to add additional levels with different environments and maybe more mechanics. 

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Fun tower defense game. I like the art and concept of the game. Will need a way to check is a platform is supported/floating or don't allow the player to build walls above ground floor. I created a warship that the skele-boys couldn't touch, mwhahaahaaa. Needs to be a way to rotate the camera. I'd love to see more towers and enemies. The Gold Farms are nice but maybe they should run out of resource after awhile. Need a way to deselect, maybe right click. This is a good prototype and could go in many different directions, hope to see more from the Dev.

Nice little shooter game. I like that there were a lot of powerups. Was able to beat the game. I was pretty overpowered by the end. I did end up shooting all the obstacles out of the way to clear my line of sight. Would like to see more enemy variation, maybe ones that jump over obstacles or attack the player. Also would like to see more player guns added. Hope to see more from the Dev.

Neat little survivor game. Got through a couple levels but got stuck in an animation which made me attack continuously and couldn't move. Really liked the start screen and art created. Wish there were more levels and/or the map was bigger. Would like to see more items added for variety and maybe large/medium/small amounts of resources that slow down a player and are worth different amounts. Also, your description has a couple errors (apocalypse, by instead of buy, and some grammar). 

Interesting prototype. Wishing there was more in the game, nice little start. Best wishes if continuing the project and look forward to see more. 

Neat little bomb defusal game. Wish there were more puzzles. Needs more added to win/lose screens, at least text saying good job or kaboom. The itch viewport dimension was too large, I used 1024 x 768 and that fits pretty well or you could check the Allow Fullscreen. 

Awesome crazy taxi style game. I felt like a little RC Car driving around. I wish the map was a little bigger so I could drive around more and have different turns for drifting. I could see a lot of cool things added to this, like ramps and shortcuts. I think the arrow pointer could be made a bit larger and maybe it shrinks the closer you get to your destination. Sometimes it was tough to tell if the destination was in the top row or the second row. While a minimap would help that, I think it'd be pretty tough to implement. The map is a bit wonky and I think should be straightened up a bit; the second row seems to be shifted to the right a bit. And some buildings clip the player on their corner. 

Nice platformer. Really tough on time. I like that you were able to add a lot of cool abilities but wish there was a way to replenish time. The levels feel pretty solid though a lot of tough long jumps. I like how the jumps are mostly uniform, thus letting players get used to them. The attack has a super large hitbox and a tiny sword, little funny but might want to check that, haha. Adding jump or a different action to right click might be nice, else there isn't a big reason for the mouse to be used during platforming. 

Cool Simon says style game. Wish there were a couple levels added to this with increasingly difficult instructions. Visuals are nice and simple and game worked smoothly.

Nice little psychosis simulator, haha. Wish there was a win condition and some pickups from enemies annnd you could hold the shoot button. I was able to sit in a corner and fire 3 shots up and 3 left and enemies couldn't get near me and were getting killed offscreen. Would really like a scoring system added so players could compete with each other. I really liked the art as well. 

Cute little side scroller prototype. I'd really like to see more to the stage or different levels. The 3D part reminded me a bit of Octopath Traveler. Music was well done. The credits are suuuuuuper small though, might want to put that into the Game Page Description instead. 

Nice relaxing game that gives you a couple false senses of security and I love that. First the timer, then the flashing light, very nicely done. More of a meditation style game. The art is really well done. I'd love to see more art from the artist. The closest I got a was 59.17.

Funny little game. I had a tough time with it but I'm also red/green colorblind. Sometimes when I added what lowered spiciness early, it still rose, so I got a bit confused. I  not great at puzzle games though. I like the art, voice acting and music. 

Cute little game. Not sure there's a bug but I wasn't able catch any fruits and the bombs would subtract 5 seconds whatever I did. I couldn't catch, shoot or let them hit the floor... so I couldn't do anything about them. Hopefully I didn't miss something completely and the game can be fixed to function better. 

Computer definitely has some problems and needs to be vaporized. Funny little game. I wasn't able to beat it though I'm not sure if you are supposed to be able to and that might be part of the humor. 

Neat little game. I feel like the click boxes need to be a bit larger, have some sort of indication that you can click on something or you are hovering over it or that after you click on an item that it doesn't deselect if you pick the wrong spot. Like trying to give the fish to the cat is tough because I'm not sure where I'm supposed to click and it gets really annoying having to reselect the fish and trying to give it to the cat 5+ times and not clicking the right spot. I wasn't able to beat the game. I read the comment that the number lock doesn't work and that sucks, hope you guys can fix that easily so other players can get that lock open. 

Hilarious theme to escape from the microwave before being cooked. Enjoyed the game. I think the butter can be made just a hair shorter or the jump height increased just a little bit cause I found it hard to get on a couple times. That or there isn't a lot of control if jumping straight up. Also, there is a bit less time than 60 seconds to make it out because if the cups are rotated past the jump, there's no way to make it. Might suggest to change the rotation so that in the last 5 or so seconds, you can jump into the hole. 

Awesome little game. Beat it twice and had fun each time. I really like the physics with the box and if you get really good, you can swing it and have it reach really far and that's fun. I like that the destinations are random but I would've rather each destination once rather than some more than once. Going all the way to 9 or 10 twice in a run kind of sucks. Well done. 

Hahaha, just 4 purple gems. The hint is "There and back again". And since you got all 4, that's good and you didn't need the hint.

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Awesome little dungeon crawler game. Loved there were multiple weapons and paths. Curious if the paths were randomly generated or multiple layouts were created and then a random selection was made of which one to load. I'd really like to see a couple more levels and enemies added as a continuation of the project. Was able to beat it on second try. Overall really good job.

Cute little dungeon heist. I was able to beat 4 levels but level 5 bugged out on me each time and would close the program. I like the concept and would really like to see more. Maybe add traps for the player to get hit by or to take out skeletons with. The tutorials should explain that chest takes 10 seconds of your time. It took me a couple of failed levels to find that out. 

Awesome little game with a lot of possibility for increased gameplay. I like that there are a couple of enemies and they each have different personalities, either go straight for you, go near and fireball or shoot arrows but flee when you are too close. I like the variety and would love to see even more. I would like to see a score system implemented so players can compete with each other. I like how the light interacted to the player. I think the spawning delay can be decreased just a bit or allow more than one to spawn at a time. I only noticed one glitch and that was an enemy was swapped with another. Maybe increasing the glitch timing would make it more entertaining. I know it was tied to the 60 sec theme but I'd rather see more glitches in a 60 sec timeframe instead. Really would like to see if this project goes further. 

Awesome game. While the art is simple, the game mechanics were really well done. I really like that the stages restart very fast annnnd that the player chooses when the stage start when they pick up the heart. I like the sliding mechanic of the heart and how it doesn't go too far. I only noticed 2 different distances of throws, like a slow throw and a moving throw which I really like. Keep the mechanics simple so the player can master them early and make the puzzles more difficult. I think the music repeats itself a little too often. Maybe don't restart the music each new stage. Beat the game in 8:53. I would love to see more from this Dev.

Fun little typing game. I've love to see a difficulty bar which adds more or less letters and changes the score multiplier for the more letters you add. Might suggest restoring a player life a number of correct keys are inputted. Full screen didn't work for me, it zoomed the camera in and cut off maybe 50% of the screen. I really liked the music and sound effects. 

Nice simple game and enjoyable. Would love for some audio to be added. I think the layers didn't work right because I couldn't see the Wizard and the player projectiles spawned under the clock background. The collision detection worked fine even though the projectile's were under the background. I think the background size should be expanded to fit the full camera view. I think the wording of "move" wizard with A or D should be switched to rotate instead. Got a score if 580.

Great stress inducing game. I liked that the music altered the closer the countdown came to zero. Seems like you had a similar issue to me in Unity in which the Mouse Sensitivity shoots up after building, I wasn't able to figure it out in time. Please reply if you found a way to fix that easily. Mouse works perfect in Unity but is 3 or 4 times faster in the Build. Was able to get a score of 100. 

Awesome concept and prototype. Really hope you continue to work on this and complete it or add more to it. I was really sad when there wasn't more to play. Did you use any assets or was everything created by you? 

Very interesting game. I really like the art. Having one 5 moves makes the player need to be more strategic. Also not being allowed to move in the same direction twice in a row does the same. But I feel as if they are pulling in 2 different directions and conflict with each other. I'd like to see that either one or the other was chosen. Or when the player refreshes their moves, to reset the disabled movement as well. The initial up/jump applies a good amount of force but if you are in the air, it barely applies any, so some verticals are super hard to get over. I don't think the player should slide on the ground as much either. Sometimes I'd get to platform with no moves left and fall off cause I kept sliding. I wasn't able to get far at all.

Had a lot of fun playing this shopping game. The cart is difficult to control but if I was full running everywhere, it probably would be. I think the gaps could be opened up a little bit so that the player is just a little less likely to run into other shoppers would be nice. I was able to grab all the items twice but wasn't sure where to go to Escape. I went to the top left and top right but both of those doors didn't work for me. Did I miss something? Also, once the paint spawned in the middle of a shelf and I was unable to pick it up.

Cute game. I like the art and gameplay. Was sad that there is only one level, totally was wanting to play more. Seems like there was more planned but not fully implemented, like elements switch after some time but I didn't notice a difference between them. I'd like to see weaknesses and resistances added to the enemies and/or different fire patterns for the different elements the players have. I would play this a lot if there were more levels added to it. I did love that a timer was added to the start of the stage so that it didn't start too quickly without letting the player get ready though I think it can be dropped from 5 to 3 seconds. 

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Awesome mix of farming and shooting. I enjoyed the game loop and was able to win once. Not sure why there are 2 files available for download though. I beat Farmer but after two days or so, the enemy spawn rate was like 1 a night. I wasn't able to finish Guarden because on day 4 (I think), the enemies stopped getting hit from the shotgun. There needs to be some indicator when the cucumbers have been watered, either change the color of the dirt or lower the blue water icon so the player can aim down towards the soil and see when the icon disappears or have a noise trigger where there is enough water.  Also, I think the mouse sensitivity can be increased just a bit too. 

Funny little game and nice simple concept. Was able to beat it, would love to see a few extra levels added. Sometimes I was pressing Q but Items were not dropping into the container. I tried mashing Q and E and moving around and luckily was able to get it working once but not the next time. I think the controls should be added in-game or in the description. 

I'm Rooting for you! I really enjoyed playing the game. I'd suggest to let the players decide when to start the next Root would be really helpful instead of spawning it as soon as they grab a water. Letting the player choose to spawn on mouse click can help avoid starting in the wrong direction and possibly screwing the player over for any next spawns. Or it would be nice if there was a grace period at the start of spawn so that players could move a radius of units without worry about hitting another root. Towards the end of one of my runs, the game started to get very choppy and I'm not sure what caused that, might want to look into that. Maybe too many objects spawned or the noise was overlapping or if Resetting the game didn't reset variables so multiple games worth of assets were loaded at the same time. At about score 15 this would happen to me with maybe 10 or so bad Roots. The noise seemed to get a bit louder the more roots that spawned.