Very cool idea, I like that you can see how many people have died or been saved from your weapons. I'd love to see this idea explored more! I also broke the game somehow and was unable to finish a request, not sure what I did exactly. The music also doesn't loop and just went quiet for me
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Thing Has A Forge's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- The design document is well organized and detailed. Images of inspiration and game mechanics have been added to help clarify intended style. I like the use of a limited color palate. I like the take on the theme. It's very interesting to consider being the one to craft the weapons, rather than personally wield them, and how you are still part of the overall "weapon". The "dead/saved" counter helps to drive this home. The foundation here is really solid, and there's definitely room to add in a lot of additional features to further expand the concept and story. Things noticed while playing: - Good use of 4th wall breaking humor. - Curious why the 'thing' is in the position it is. Good story setup. - The font is a little hard to read - Good variety of personality in the NPCs that visit the shop.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
You play as this little thing that has the sole purpose of creating weapons for others. You take requests from characters, and create weapons for them. You get to see the result of your action by seeing how many people you saved/killed.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
The game fits the "You Are The Weapon" theme with making the player in control over many lives and conflicts, without technically participating in them.
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