oh dear god i forgot i left the placeholder death screen in the final game
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Project ACE's itch.io pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Thanks for entering the game jam! I love the lore and concept as detailed in the GDD. You have a solid working prototype with the powers, movement and working camera angles. I enjoyed the thought out story narration via the test official. I played the scenario and killed all the guards but nothing happened after that. I played the scenario and purposefully died. Funny death screen but also more insulting than maybe intended? The GDD development notes need to be less a rant and more substance on what progress was made for the game development. Overall I think you have a good base to continue development on this project. Keep developing and good job!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on itch.io so we can see it?
yes sirrr
Summarise your game!
In the midst of WW3 you are found by US enemy soldiers on the brink of death and chosen for an experimental treatment to turn soldiers into bioweapons, you know use your abilities to fight off waves of guards. It fits the theme because you are turned into a weapon.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
I'm writing this 1 am trying to finish this game, it doesn't like me
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
the sleep depervation code
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