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A member registered May 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am a terrible typist (score 39), so I can’t exactly comment on the difficulty, though I did think it was a bit sudden of an increase. But the rest of the game is incredibly well-done, including the enemy targeting, which I can see being somewhat controversial, encouraging the player to look up from the keyboard. Good job!

Really fun and charming! I like the idea of using WASD as commands for different spells, though the WWW spell in particular gets quite fatiguing to input in rapid succession when the difficulty picks up later on, so having some other options for attacks would be nice. Lots of replay value, I could totally see this becoming a Downwell-tier Steam title!

I’m gonna be frank, the gameplay with the guards and such is so boring I couldn’t get past it. The voice acting is REALLY entertaining though, and your willingness to play up the camp is just great.

We absolutely should have made it more clear which monkey is being switched to, but we did everything we could to tell you that Hear No Evil can hear ~~evil~~ bombs when in range for them to kill the characters, and you just need to get out and wait for the explosion, and Speak No Evil can push blocks remotely with the enter key.

Big fan of how you can’t get to the outer platforms from the middle, it creates an element of strategy and planning that I didn’t expect.

How did you manage to make a full on short film for the start of this?

Shame the game couldn’t be completed, the concept seems fun!

Great gameplay and art, though I would have loved to see an options menu and a way to skip the intro on repeat playthroughs.

I may be completely biased: but I had a really good time with this one, and the music is especially not terrible.

This game is really well made, I only have 2 small problems with it.

  1. The preview doesn’t give a great indication of where the ball is headed, but I got a feel for it eventually.
  2. I managed to softlock the game by sending the fireball out of the playable area

Thank you for the really well formulated review. That last room was somewhat intended to be unfair, but I realise that’s not really an excuse.

If you want a little tip to get through, when the door to the next room opens up, you can send the whip through and possibly kill some enemies while being safe in the last room.

Finished with 42 left, interested to see how optimised it can get

Really fun! I was never able to find any of the keys though, maybe adding a glow or something to make them pop out?

HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS IN A WEEK? If any game from this jam is going to blow up after, it better be this one.

I really love the concept for this game and the execution was done really well.

My only gripe is that how the door is being opened isn’t necessarily communicated the best, but once I got it, I got it.

I think with a bit more work this could be turned into a really good horror game.

The main problem with this game has to do with how zoomed-in the camera is. I have almost zero time to react to anything around me before it’s too late.

The art is good and cohesive. The music is passable.

There is also a bug where you can get caught on the floor geometry, and it happens a lot. I think you might be using a box collider for the player, and I would recommend you switch it to a capsule to prevent that sort issue.

Overall, has a lot of potential, but the gameplay was too frustrating for me to get far.

The web app might be on your end, because it works for me and the people I had test it during development.

While the gameplay is simple in concept, I just live for the sheer polish surrounding it. The text gently swaying on a baby blue background with lo-fi playing in the background is just incredible atmosphere.

(1 edit)

This art style is incredible man! I did the light ending first, and was a little confused, “Why is the game so weirdly happy?” And then after doing the dark ending, I get why you made this. The ambiance that slowly fades in while the ‘ancient evil’ thing shows up is just incredible. I feel like this would be the perfect ARG-type game, with a really simple surface premise and codes within codes on top of it. The preachiness about one’s choices was a bit much for me, though.

I really like the hollow knight/shovel knight inspiration, but the combined moves like the down swing and the dash just don’t happen when I click a lot of the time.

I don’t want to waste your time, that thing you saw said --secret=gvprtskvni.

Trust me, there’s more

That’s not a link…

That sounds like a great idea, I can’t wait to see where this goes.

(1 edit)

I’m not a complete devil, but I’m surprised you played through the minigame for the full 10 minutes for the ending.

It’s a little odd that dying in any of the rooms just puts you back to the room, but I thank you sop much for that, because the game is really not set up for a real death system outside of that puzzle to get the green key card. That puzzle more than any of the others really feels like I’m cheating the design, like the solution was some unintended thing found in testing and not a core part of the game. Still really fun, though!

There might be an ending… or not.

The music has a couple of bugs where it only plays in the left ear and doesn’t loop for whatever reason, but great game regardless! I couldn’t figure out how to recover health, though, other than just dying.

This game is quite cool.

The graphics look nice and stylized, but the unique controls and the franticness of the gameplay make it a masterclass in how to make a small game.

the only real problem I have is that the game doesn't scale with the window size (gets cut off in windowed mode)

but otherwise, you did a great job

From the first few screens, this game seems like a complete masterclass, but for the rotating qr code, my phone can't pick that one up, so I can't actually complete this

This is a cool game, but not sure how it fits the theme.

I like the art, but the physics feel far too floaty, but it does work

the main problem though is that I can't fullscreen the game.

as well, some graphics get cut off.

but overall, great job, especially with telling the player how to play the game without too much trouble.

r to reload, me is stoopid

coins are randomly placed, also press r to reload

im dumb

press r to reload, I'm a little dumb