The window was tiny and I couldn't figure out how to make it large enough to read. The start scene shows a bunch of papers covering everything, I guess to provide instructions, but I could not figure out how to either click on them or remove them to do anything. I finally clicked the "?" button by accident and closed all the papers, but took a little while to figure out I had to type the barely readable words from the in basket onto the screen and if I didn't type them exactly, pressing enter did nothing, so I had to press delete too many times to clear the screen. At this point, I had completed 0 notes and it was 1pm - why did the timer start before I pressed the "?" button? I quit after the third note. If the point was to experience the life of a new intern thrown into a task with too little instruction, insufficient resources, and insufficient accessibility support, well done, I guess.
A casualish score attack game. It is nice to see a game like this that is easy to do well in after only a bit of play. Then, it becomes all about optimization.