Played this with my fellow Pista's designer and really enjoyed it. We took some notes as we played that you might find helpful:
Rules comments
- Shield bash: it was unclear that shield bash uses the same move card and doesn't fully complete the procedure for Step 2. An edit like this could help clarify: "use this card to resolve an additional Attack like during Step B." We also assumed that this was an "additional" attack on top of Step 2 attack.
- Attack: "If defender cannot" led to questions as it can be interpreted as "cannot play cards." Realize in context that it means "cannot flip", but figured it was worth pointing out.
- Wound: From the very useful video, we're assuming the multiple cards = multiple wounds. . If this is the case maybe something like "receives 1 wound for every card used to successful Attack." There's also a minor typo: "is receives 1 wound."
- Continuation: It's unclear who's trump suit counts. ""in the trump suit" needs a little more precision.
General feedback
The game shows smart restraint and cleverly embraces the postcard design restrictions. Our only real issue was game length, which with learning time took us almost two hours to complete. I'm assuming this shortens significantly with each play, but it seems too long. The presentation and lightweight rules give off the impression that a match will last about 30 minutes—perfect for playing a best 2 out of 3. Barring misplays, the prolonged length likely has to do with how the game incentivizes retreating (assuming you can move backwards) and continuation (this could maybe use more risk as it became central to our strategies and only done when we were 99% we'd win and not waste a card). While we appreciate the depth these tactics provide and are not suggesting removing them, it did result in us stalling the game to a near halt. And while the daze mechanic is a very clever merger of theme and mechanics, it did create a daze spiral at the end of the game that felt more like dead turns than the fatigue from a grueling battle.
Length aside, Hoplomachus's equipment, fatigue system, trump selection, and balanced card play all come together to elegantly abstract the topic. The card tactics, feints, the opportunity for bluffs, and the longer term planning the continuation mechanic (my personal favorite) encourages really emulate the feeling of a tough and tense duel.
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