I don't know if the developer sees this, but, if they do, I'd like to say that this game is interesting and I really enjoyed it.
The Draw of Gravid Power is by far one of the most interesting and unique RPG maker games I've seen in a long time in my opinion. The art is lovely and has a style that made it stand out from other RPG maker games I've played in the past as it focuses on the hyper pregnancy on the progaonist and the Witch. It's battle system and events was something I had to get used to but I managed to learn quickly after my first playthrough since it's random and lucked based which I find interesting.
While the game is short, the story itself is simple and enjoyable yet intreging with many questions like "What are the Old Gods?" "What is the role of these dieties?" "How does one wield such power?" That type of stuff and I do not know.
The downside of this game is that sadly it's cancelled and I would love to see more content added like more endings, more art, etc into this lovely game, however, just because a game is cancelled doesn't mean it's bad. This is a great game and I hope that one day the dev may find the time, passion and/or motivation to add more to The Draw of Gravid Power or make a new game that is similar to the content or gameplay or something different.
4/5 Stars. 9.5 out of 10