a wonderful portrayal of the eroticism of fight scenes, i was captivated the whole time. the writing was enthralling & i loved the simple ui and the color palette - the blood on the character portraits really pop during the duel. also must give my props to the music department because the battle music is exquisite <3
hello music and art department here, thank you for your comment <3 i too agree the writing is lovely. glad you liked the blood, it was meant to emulate taking damage in RPGs
OHH I am shaking your hands and congratulating you on a story well presented! (ALSO shaking your hands on the excellence of one's arrival at a gothic castle as a key opening element - always a great choice for a good vampire tale, not that I'm biased or anything)
I really enjoyed the text-based nature of this, and the artwork, the music, the quicktime events, all add such a cool element of intensity to the experience. I was too slow to succeed on even one QTE, but I still really enjoyed it - and I'm already looking forward to playing again so I can try to be faster on the next attempt!
Thank you for sharing your work, and I can't wait to see more like this! 💖
(shaking your hands) thank you so much for your kind words!! <33 i have extended the QTEs each by 1 second if that helps, my bad for tuning it so fast the first time!!! thank you for playing!!!
a wonderful portrayal of the eroticism of fight scenes, i was captivated the whole time. the writing was enthralling & i loved the simple ui and the color palette - the blood on the character portraits really pop during the duel. also must give my props to the music department because the battle music is exquisite <3
! it’s my first time doing something like this so i’m so glad it came together alright!! thank you very much for playing and the comment <33
hello music and art department here, thank you for your comment <3 i too agree the writing is lovely. glad you liked the blood, it was meant to emulate taking damage in RPGs
OHH I am shaking your hands and congratulating you on a story well presented! (ALSO shaking your hands on the excellence of one's arrival at a gothic castle as a key opening element - always a great choice for a good vampire tale, not that I'm biased or anything)
I really enjoyed the text-based nature of this, and the artwork, the music, the quicktime events, all add such a cool element of intensity to the experience. I was too slow to succeed on even one QTE, but I still really enjoyed it - and I'm already looking forward to playing again so I can try to be faster on the next attempt!
Thank you for sharing your work, and I can't wait to see more like this! 💖
(shaking your hands) thank you so much for your kind words!! <33 i have extended the QTEs each by 1 second if that helps, my bad for tuning it so fast the first time!!! thank you for playing!!!