got the "with a kiss" ending, and it was probably a mistake to start here because i don't want to go back and ruin their happy ending 😭 so indulgent and domestic, such a treat. i love your take on vampires' light sensitivity - your descriptions of zach's sickness were evocative and relatable. love these two, i'll have to get around to reading the first two games!
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probably a weird thing to comment on but i really liked how design theory played into this - the buttons diving deeper into the memories being visually much smaller than those which ending the thought early, luring the eye to forget. also reinforced by the many opportunities you're given to back out, feels like the main character is fighting those memories away. i loved the use of contrast echoed in the characters themselves and the settings of the beach and the nightclubs. also the one description of the kiss tasting "stale" stood out to me. highly recommend reading with sounds of crashing ocean waves in another tab :~)
a wonderful portrayal of the eroticism of fight scenes, i was captivated the whole time. the writing was enthralling & i loved the simple ui and the color palette - the blood on the character portraits really pop during the duel. also must give my props to the music department because the battle music is exquisite <3
seeing that this was a bullet hell was a very pleasant surprise despite me hilariously failing at my first go :') but the standout of this game to me is the sprite work - they're all so adorable, i'm still giggling at the blushing knights. the dad especially is so friend shaped and i'm pulling for him to be supportive in part 2 🙏