Adam Dart (@adamdart7) - Founder & Creative Director at Junkfish Limited.
Alayna Cole (@AlaynaMCole), writer, teacher, researcher, and founder of Queerly Represent Me (@QueerlyRepMe).
Devil's Advocado (@evilguacamole) creator and editor of LP channel Evil Guacamole Gaming.
Gaymer España (@GaymerEs) - the main online community for spanish-speaking LGBT+ Gamers.
Jupiter Hadley (@jupiter_hadley) - Journalist, Youtuber, covers thousands of indie games each year.
Keza MacDonald (@kezamacdonald) - Kotaku UK's Editor, writer and author on video games.
Korina Abbott (@shikaboom) - Marketing bod at the indiedev, Blazing Griffin, in Scotland. Former Bethesda Brand Manager and over-enthusiastic gamer.
Olivia White (@Owlcavedev) - Author and CEO of Owl Cave Games (@owlcavegames)
Raine Scott (@Raineship) - IGDA LGBTQ SIG Leader. Trans Educator and Public speaker.
Simon Doyle (@doylaphone) - Founder & Managing Director at Junkfish Limited
Steven Taarland (@steventaarland) - Founder and Technical Director at Insert Imagination Ltd, Programmer at Tag Games, Founder of Scottish Rainbow Dev Group, and Organiser of Rainbow Jam 16
Timea Tabori (@timeatabori) - Engine Programmer at Rockstar North and Chair of IGDA Scotland.