Day one : the begining
So, I'm begining to work in this jam... 10 days after the begining ; BUT I still have plenty of time. So I decided to make a little rpg with point and click feature combined with a turn based combat system (a bit like Final Fantasy and Pokemon), with 6 differents status conditions (that should work, not tested but implemented). I began to wrote the script for the combat system at 8PM - it is now 11:33PM here. And I think I have done about the 3/4 of what I should do for the combat system (it represents 469 lines !!). So, I'm happy with it.
(A part of the script, censored so you can't see wich status condition I've included - but they are very common - not a big deal)
I'll be using litJSON will permits me to play with json files easily. Also, every fight will be a one vs one fighting, so I have no need to have another class for every enemy. The CombatStats class contain everything I need. I'm going to bed soon, so I know what I have to do tomorrow :
- Finishing the turn-based combat system (and maybe add a luck system since I have a int for that)
- Making the map and a system to navigate (or walk) between scenes.
- And begining to make some sprites.
That's everything for today - hope tomorrow i'll have more to show. Until this, good luck everyone and have a hug !!!
(PS : Please, excuse me for my very bad english. I'm a bit tired so it must be worst than at usual...)