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Programmer Looking For a Team

A topic by remtaine created Jul 15, 2020 Views: 131 Replies: 4
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Yo! Anyone wanna make a tactical artillery game like Worms? I'm a programmer and wanna work on a project like that ๐Ÿ˜

I'm a friendly guy who wants to meet people, so don't hesitate to message me. Particularly looking for sound people, but willing to work with all roles ๐Ÿ˜€

I've participated in several game jams before, here's the link to my itch profile:

Here's a gif of the last game I made

Hey man, I'm keen. Let me know if you're still in need.


Sure man! What's your Discord name, with the 4-digit tag?

Amaser #8835


Got it! I sent you a friend request