Super fun! fits the theme. Only gripe would be unable to respawn after falling and the UI was blurry and hard to read. I'm not sure why this happens in unity but downloading and using text mesh pro (free adopted asset by unity) is a good work around.
the ball feels ay too light and the game does not restart when you fall off and the blocks don't seem to give you the correct amount of points i collected 3 and had 7 points and the camera angle felt weird and tilted
Super fun! fits the theme. Only gripe would be unable to respawn after falling and the UI was blurry and hard to read. I'm not sure why this happens in unity but downloading and using text mesh pro (free adopted asset by unity) is a good work around.
Good use of the theme. I had the problem of endless falling.
the ball feels ay too light and the game does not restart when you fall off and the blocks don't seem to give you the correct amount of points i collected 3 and had 7 points and the camera angle felt weird and tilted
Good attempt at a physics game but the ball feels too floaty and if you fall off then you have to quit the game to try again.